@staff, @moderators,
Making you aware of this so you can decide if you should or if you even want to delete the links on his Profile Page and in his 6 posts.
### [bovsam](https://forums.mudspike.com/u/bovsam)
Joined June 24, 2016
Quite by chance I came across an old thread of bovsam’s
FSX@War released
The website he linked in that thread is taking you to an unintended location. I know because I can find the real website at the Internet Archive. Bovsam has not been active since April 29, 2017 and the last Facebook post regarding the FSX@War site was in 2018 where it mentions the team has broken up.
Profile Page:
Activity Page (Only has 6 posts):
Facebook posting from January 10, 2018.
A few explanations about the future of FSX@War.
We really enjoyed developing FSX@War over the past years but we currently are in a complex situation: many members have left the team some of them had critical roles. For instance, Alambic, who was the coder of FSX@War, left a month ago and it is very hard to keep on working on a source code written by someone else during four years. That’s the reason why we may be able to make little fix but we won’t be able to bring new features.
FSX@War was designed and optimized to run in FSX and it has been slightly updated to work in P3Dv2 and P3Dv3. In fact, it worked fine in P3Dv2 and P3Dv3 though we could have optimized. Early tests in P3Dv4 made us think that FSX@War would work properly in this environment, which is apparently not the case. Maybe it is frustrating, so it is for us, but keep in mind that FSX@War is free.
Speaking of collaboration with VRS, it has been succesfull for a time: VRS provided us a way to spawn SAM and to detect weapons impact and we provided them with 3D models of SAMs and effects. Seeing that collaboration was succesfull at first gave us great hope for the future. However, VRS develops payware stuff and FSX@War freeware. These are very distinct approaches, not to say opposite. Could a succesfull collaboration take place over the years with such distinct ways of working? (You have four hours to write an essay)
But nobody is to be blamed: VRS certainly has the right to develop paywares because they put a lot of effort into high-quality products and we had the right to remain freeware because we were just developing the environment we wished to fly in and we were sharing it with VRS’ community. When you have spend years on developing something, it is very rewarding to see that you are not the only one to enjoy it. VRS also has the right to put their effort into their products and into their products only. That’s a choice we respect and that I invite you to respect as well when posting messages. Of course, we would have liked better interations and features between the TacPack and FSX@War and we are as deceived as some of you are.
So now we are only a few members remaining with a very limited time and a lack of motivation due to many reasons (DCS is one of them of course). What will happen? - We will try to make FSX@War work in P3Dv4 and when I write “try”, I mean it. I am not promising you anything, we will just try and we might not be able.
Then, we won’t add any new features and FSX@War will remain as it is. Motus may keep on developing CCP at the pace he wants, he will decide and may not communicate his decision publicly. Just enjoy if/when a new version is released. Those who develops packs will/can continue to do so, no matter if they are part of the team or not, I will support them as time permit.
Avsim thread discussing the site being shut down.