I don’t if it can run DCS yet but I already won dad of the year
First Contact is the coolest initial VR experience. It is near perfect.
Tequila and the Gazelle - the only way to go for the first time in VR
Ok so i fired DCS up, and it made me stand in the middle of the room rather than sit on the couch. When i sat on the couch it gave me the out of boundary screen. Obviously im missing the recenter button or whatever. Any help here?
As far as performance goes, I didnt change any settings from what i usually run (maxed out on 1080 resolution), and I got 40-45 frames on the f18 instant action free flight. Smooth and extrememly badass. I almost fell over when rolling the plane.
DCS Controls / UI Layer / VR Recenter.
I’m not dissapointed with the Norwegian Postal Service, nor the fact that UPS use them to transfer their shipments…
Don’t try to put your phone on the glareshield like I did… And keep in mind - every beer you are drinking is in peril when in VR. Flailing arms and all…
ok so that worked, but when i move outside of the play area i setup initially, it reverts me back to predator vision (which is worth the $400 by itself) and tells me to move back in the play area.
It’s Friday afternoon. I don’t own a Rift S, but I do have a Gray Man Stout in my hand. So will toast your to your health, good fortune, and to all of the killing that you will be doing tonight gentlemen!
I think you press the Oculus button on one of the controllers and then ‘Reset View’ button on the bottom right? I don’t have a rift plugged in here, so not 100% sure.
Ill give that a go.
As far as initial impressions go, I am blown away. I dont have anything to compare it to, but there is no “screen door”, and it is very clear. I can read all screens without zooming, i was afraid it was going to look terrible, but nothing of the sort. Really awesome. I think you can tweak some stuff on the headset but i have no clue how, looks great out of the box.
The initial menu screen standing next to the plane in life size is awesome.
Try a run in the Huey or the Mi8. It’s crazy.
do you guys add the DCS game to the rift app or open it separtely?
I just use a couple of desktop icons, with one of then set to something like:
"E:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS.exe" --force_disable_VR
…so I get the choice of which to open.
Try Elite Dangerous! Then perhaps Project Cars 2. Kind of envy you seeing this stuff for the first time, it is very hard to describe how different it feels for games.
Doesn’t DCS look for the Oculus app and launch into VR mode if found? Fearless’ command line of course would open it without VR.
ok i had to disable Guardian to move into the Danger Zone
Don’t punch your monitor. It happens. And I have a house with 8’ ceilings. Which means all those climby-jumpy games can cause serious injury.
Who knew that his son would be running a wood chipper while he was exploring his new Rift…?