ROADCRAFT- New game from Spintires / Mudrunner studio

The addition of a story mode to the game is BRILLIANT!


I didn’t know the older Mudrunner was better than Snowrunner…


I far far preferred mudrunner. I also preferred the original spintires over mudrunner.

The way the mud moved and saturated tread and losing grip was absolutely uncanny in the first game. In mudrunner you could always move by using the smallest amount of throttle. In spintires, you could bog yourself very easily and recovery could sometimes be impossible.

Snow runner…eh…i wasn’t a fan of anything except the vehicles


Same, especially how the terrain was persistant… It was far more unforgiving. You might make it through an area once or twice, but try the same route again and you would be bogged to the axles.

Also Snowrunner might have had bigger maps, but they were nowhere near as tricky as Mudrunner.


Never could get into snowrunner. I did get the new game expeditions but have yet to have it grab me and suck me in like mudrunner did.

Mudrunner was simple in task but hard to accomplish. Thats what i liked about it.

Snowrunner just over did it. Took the simplicity away and made it easier to do stuff.

Roadcraft peaks my instrest but im afraid it will be more like snowrunner.

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