So, Who's Got COVID?

Did you test when you had the colds?
I know a family of four where three of them got it twice, but one of the kids steered clear both times. Some are more susceptible for the infection than others.
Many who got it had symptoms so mild they were ignored or mistaken for a common cold too.

Same here. The post covid cough was a b*tch!


Nah, I don’t test. I’ll not go into that though.

Worst part is trying to suppress it when you’re out so everyone doesn’t stare at the coughing fool! :grimacing:


I was stopped for a breathalyzer test. I almost coughed my lungs out! The police officer looked really concerned… :smile:


‘Paroxmal bronchiolitus’ its called. That happens to me after breathing tobacco smoke, solvents etc. The coughing stops only after the body response is to throw up and collapse. Usualy people coming across me collapsed at that point verbally comment on me being a drunk. Makes me have a warm fuzzy feeling of benevelence towards the human race. Fortunately I am pretty good at dodging the situations that cause it. 2001/3 were not good years.


Well… the on the Tuesday before Christmas I felt a bit crap at work and had a minor headache …got home and crashed for a couple of hours, woke up and felt fine… two days later the other half started feeling rough and the spent the next five days in bed… at the same time both the eldest and young daughters started coughing so we tested on the off chance that it was the dreaded covid. We had managed to avoid it till now. Well their tests showed the big red indicator … mine showed the faintest possible line …so I managed to get away with it … irony now strikes, I am typing this whilst crashed on the sofa coughing my lungs up with a “normal” chest infection, and popping antibiotics, steroids whilst using my inhalers like scuba gear


Wishing you a speedy recovery tempusmurphy.


Was that the two line ”Control” and ”Test” rapid tests?

If you get two lines, it is positive, no matter how faint the lines are. Now it could be a false positive, but you wouldn’t know that from a two line result.

I had the season flu late november and I was much worse for wear than when I had Covid :slight_smile:
Get well soon, @tempusmurphy!


The control line was fine … just the test line was barely visible possible but the other two were definitely positive also I think I am one of the people who are symptomless


Not quite sure I’m following you here, but as long as both the C and T lines are visible, the test is positive. But yeah, symptomless Covid is a thing. I know some who got it bad, but for most it seemed pretty mild. But then again, most people I know got it after at least one vaccine dose, around here.
Anyway, sucks to be sick!


Crossed wires here … I am certain it was positive for covid … but was lucky to get away with almost no symptoms :grinning::shamrock:


Got it! :+1:


Oh no! Feel better soon @tempusmurphy. Tanks can wait!


Hope you and family get better soon @tempusmurphy here’s wishing a speedy recovery.

Coincidentally, I have just taken a rapid antigen (self) test this morning. Three days ago I had to attend a Transport Dept service centre (our version of the DMV) because I am in the process of upgrading my licence to ‘Heavy Rigid’ so I can be avaialable to drive the big Rural Fire tankers if needed - as you know those places are a petri dish.

Had a slight sniffle all day yesterday & didn’t think anything of it but not long before I went to bed my nose was running like a tap. Had a crap night’s sleep and got up this morning totally congested with a head stuffed with cotton wool and a very sore/scratchy throat. No fever, and the test was negative but I will probably do another one later today to make sure it wasn’t a false negative.


Yuk that sucks. Maybe just a cold, which is bad enough.


Is there a “Heavy Flimsy” license? Picturing a truck looking like a slinky…

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lol, but it is just the way they categorise heavy vehicle (truck & bus) licences here: HR vehicles include:

  • trucks and buses with a GVM more than 8 tonnes, and 3 or more axles
  • any towed trailer must not weigh more than 9 tonnes GVM
  • bendy buses. Even though these vehicles are articulated, they’re treated as rigid vehicles.

Examples of Heavy Rigid vehicles

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COVID finally got me last Monday. It came on slowly, then knocked me on my ass with constant 39° fever and incurable headache for three days straight. I’m still dealing with a nagging cough and loss of smell/taste.

I was vaccinated 4 times…I imagine I would have legit died had I caught this back in 2020-2021.


here’s the eye brow raiser for me at least.

I have 3 Brothers and Mom still living locally.
Brother A shares residence with myself.
Brother B shares residence with mom.
Brother C lives in a residence with roommates.

Brother A Caught Covid from Work.
Brother B Caught Covid from work as well, and passed it on to mom.
Brother C Caught Covid a week later (from either Brother C or Mom).
All 4 relatives showed symptoms at the same time, except brother c who was a few days later (likely exposed during his weekly visits to see mom.).

I Live w/ brother A, outside of not using the restroom here unless I desperately needed to., or basically taking a Lysol Disinfectant spray container and taping the nozzle down and throwing it like a grenade into the restroom before using it.

I never caught Covid, Despite all 3 brothers and mom having it at the same time.

All 3 brothers and mom were vaccinated months before.

I was the only hold out, I never got Vaxxed, yet never caught it despite all local relatives having it.

I did however get Sinus Infections and a lung capacity/pressure problem from wearing masks for 3 years though.


That’s the weird one for me :joy: Wearing masks here in Japan has always been normalized even before COVID, but this is the first time I’ve heard of mask usage actually causing infections and lung issues.