Speedy recovery, guys!
I was worried about this too. Prior to getting COVID I was doing really well with biking (doing a lot of that) and just picking up my running in anticipation of doing a triathlon in the fall. When I was first diagnosed with COVID and started to feel the initial symptoms…I quit running and biking immediately (continued to walk) with the probably misguided logic that I didn’t want to get it in my lungs. I doubt it really works that way…I’m just a monkey that drives airplanes and not a doctor. And Lord help you if you get online to research anything medically related. When I started feeling this pain in my right lung (pleurisy I am told by my doctor yesterday…he showed it to me on the x-rays) I started Googling stuff. The results were that I needed to either take some local honey and mix it with some warm tea each day for a week and I’d get better…or that I’d probably die within the hour from an embolism.
I can’t imagine that the internet was a great discovery for hypochondriacs.
Anyway - yeah - my greatest worry (well, beyond dying of COVID) was some kind of permanent damage to my lungs because I love outdoors activities so much. I suspect there will be a lumping in of many “normal” conditions with attributions to COVID over the coming years and maybe decades. Everyone wants a reason for everything. But I’ve never had pneumonia - heck…haven’t had the flu in over 15 years I’ll bet…so I think there might be something to the range of downstream stuff that can happen post-COVID. And of course the conspiracy theorists will attach themselves to: the vaccine caused you to get pneumonia. Pretty hard to dispute a correlation as simple as - got a shot = got pneumonia (I don’t believe that for a second and instead choose to believe that my first shot saved me from a worse case of COVID - so there is MY bias toward what I believe).
Anyway…hope you have a mild run of it @NEVO. My smell and taste cycled on and off about three times over the course of 2-3 days. I hope yours comes back very quickly…chocolate milkshakes just aren’t the same when you can’t taste them - the real horror of COVID!
I cannot be sure I had COVID. It was about 4 or 5 weeks worth of symptoms, in February and March of last year.
Anyway, IF it was COVID, I had some epic fluid getting coughed up in those weeks. Lungs rattling and wheezing like never before in my life. My sense of smell was weak anyway, and it was lost completely during the sickness.
For a few years now I’ve done weight lifting, and for about 2 or 3 weeks after I was sick, I had a lingering issue with getting out of breath. Even while lifting less than usual (because I had dropped all exercise while sick, and was planning to work back up to where I had been before). But even that lower level, just 20 reps (not even reaching 30 yet)… and I was feeling winded, clearly something was wrong. That cool, refreshed feeling from a normal deep breath just was no longer occurring.
But it did go away for me, after 2 or 3 weeks. I could breath deep again, and got back on with my usual routine. My sense of smell is still practically zero, however. Even a year later. Some days I can catch a slight sense, other days, my beloved fresh coffee… I can’t even smell it when I hold my nose to the rim of the cup and fully draw in a breath through my nose.
Hope all you guys with positive tests are well soon.
I pretty much match @adlabs6 above (minus the weightlifting). I went to the ER in February 2020 just as the virus was starting it’s 1st wave through NY and NJ. I have never been so sick. The ER nurse asked if I had taken the flu vaccine and I admitted that I had not. The sympathy dial went to zero at that point and they sent me home with two Tylenol and a lecture. I recovered for two days then was very sick again for 5 more. After that the cough continued for another 4 weeks. Through the summer I was breathing heavily during any exertion but I felt fine, even running or riding the bike. I have talked to many dozens of pilots and flight attendants and a surprising percentage have February/March stories like mine. I know that the “normal” flu was sweeping the US just as COVID was making her start. And it is likely that’s what most of us had. (I took an antibody test in July and it was negative.) But I also believe that when the final tally is taken, an order of magnitude greater number of people will be considered to have likely been exposed than were diagnosed.
Speedy recoveries to @BeachAV8R and @NEVO !
Been a candidate for a nasty form of cancer for the last week. In eight days from symptom showing got a consultant examination and given a clean bill of health which included being told I did not have covid. I would not have had the cancer check if I did have it, which was a little scary. Still have a month to wait for my second covid jab.
now back to flying the sim
You have no idea how relieved I am, reading this. Phew!
Same here.
Same here.
@Scoop I was driving when I read that! I’m so glad you are OK! National treasures aren’t allowed to get ill, so I’m extremely glad you are OK my friend.
I hope this is a mild case for all of you.
I’d try the honey Beach, even if it doesn’t help, it taste good. I’ve heard it’s great for allergies.
When I mix up honey and tea for a cold I put a couple grains of red pepper in the tea to make me sweat a bit. But I think the bourbon is the real active ingredient though.
My mother in law’s secret Chinese chicken soup. It’ll raise you from the dead. And taste quite good too. Chicken, go-ji berries, ginger, gin-seng it has it all.
That sounds lush.
Just finally got my (first) shot today.
Could it be made less secret?
Our oldest daughter (10) was sent home today from school due to contact tracing ID’d her as having been exposed. My wife did a little detective work and determined that by protocol, they send home for quarantine the child sitting behind and in front of the COVID-19 positive student. FYI, each desk is surrounded by plexiglass on 3 sides. In this case, our daughter is the one behind, the teacher in front. So, we have her on the 3rd floor, happy as a loon playing games on her iPad until distance learning instructions are received. She can’t be tested until Monday, and can’t return to school until 10 days from exposure have passed.
We have been through this before with my quarantine, so not in panic mode like the first time. Ironically, my wife got her first vaccine Monday and I am scheduled for mine on the 23rd. Today was also supposed to be day one of a short, but much needed vacation. Those plans are obviously on hold.
Not complaining, just explaining. Life under vid.
Hope you are tested negative while you are keeping positive
9 days symptom has now gone.
It could, but that would incurr me the wrath of an expert wielder of the kitchen axe. I’m not easily frightened, but there are limits to my bravery…
Not mom-in-law but close enough.
The things I have seen her do to a duck have instilled ahealthy respect in me
yep. I have one of those cleavers and it frightens me looking at it
In our case here it was (still is?) the whole class. No plexis.