Has anyone finished the main story yet? I have 96 hours in the game so far and I have a long way to go. I just finished the mission in the Red Forest where you learn some interesting secrets from “The Doctor”.
I’m still seeing some occasional bugs here and there but nothing show-stopping.
Is this your first STALKER? I can assure you that they do an excellent, excellent job of enticing you to stop and smell the mutated roses near the anomaly field. The fastest I’ve ever speed run a playthrough of a STALKER?
Probably 40 hours. They’re really games you can get immersed and lost in.
Been playing the bejeezus out of this. So good.
Last few sessions, my boy sat in a bit. He doesn’t like it. It’s scary and doesn’t look fun like fortnite. But because I can’t shoot for ■■■■ with an xbox controller (his opinion), he took the thing from me and shot the three snorks that were kicking my arse like it was a piece opf cake. Maybe kid’s right
Dude, obi does this to me ALL the time now. Don’t feel bad. Its a dad thing.
He very nearly beat me at Quake last week and I’ve been playing that for 25 years. I managed to style it out like i was letting him win, but to be fair he nearly had me
Are you playing on hardcore or stalker difficulty? I’m playing on stalker difficulty and it’s not too bad as long as you think and don’t just rush in guns ablazing.
Not sure. I tried sneaking into the waste process plant last night and ended up in a huge gunfight. Which i won. But i feel i may have missed the point.
Basically, you want to dump your money into a good shooter with upgrades ASAP. Reducing the recoil and increasing ROF is a good start with the AKSU. Aim for chest and burst fire on human enemies. Mag dump and yank the mouse down vs. monsters. Unless it’s something like a Chimera, then run. Ruuuuuuun run run.
A little better would be finding a full length AK, repairing it, then applying the same upgrades. A great option for that is talk to Snag in Skadovsk. He’s a shifty ■■■■■ who will try and scam you out of things, so don’t trust a thing he says. He’ll give you a quest to get a lockbox. If you bring it back to him he has a key that’ll open it up and you can divvy up what’s inside. OR… take it to Cardan, have him crack it open for a paltry 500ru, and keep everything.
Either way, your goal for weapons should be either a Tunder S-14 (Groza) or a GP-37 (G-36K) if you’re going for loot weapons.
If you have a decent cash flow? Then go to Nimble and order a weapon for the best result. He’s in the upper most part of Skadovsk. If you do that, I’d even recommend going with the sniper rifle option. That can really tip the scales in your favor in firefights. If you do that, then take the AKSU as your sidearm and you’re going to be good to go.
As for armor? I’d just be looting and finding armor, fixing it up, and saving money for the exoskeleton. In previous STALKERs, you skipped it. In this one? Once you get the final tool set for your preferred tech? You can give it the ability to sprint. Up until that point? You can ride the Sunrise suit for quite a long time. You could also run into a Berill-5M pretty quickly. What you lose in environmental protections, you more than make up in ballistic protections. Basically, just run whatever armor is better than the Sunrise suit until you can get the Exo.
I’m currently playing the final story mission and all I can say to other players is BE PREPARED. The sheer number of enemies and “bosses” that you will encounter is ridiculous. Bring your best weapons and armor and LOTS of ammo.
Just finished the game last night. The final mission was both very difficult but also very rewarding. The ending I got was a bit enigmatic and for some reason it reminded me of “12 Monkeys” the movie.