Star Citizen

I’m really enjoying Star Citizen at the moment and even though it’s still very early in it’s 500 year development ( :grimacing: ) it does everything that Elite doesn’t. Parts of it are still very rough, most of it in fact but it still has a fantastic atmosphere. I die a lot but I keep coming back for more and have a second ship now - the space van also known as the Drake Cutter :slight_smile:


Nice :+1: Can it VR already?

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I’m not sure, I don’t have vr just track ir which works great.


I have been pondering SC lately, had a few things pop in my YouTube feed that intrigued me.

Is it amenable to casual non-grinding play?

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I invested over £80 in this a hundred years ago. I tried it a few times and also tried to keep track of what was happening with it, but eventually gave up and considered the £80+ lost.

edit: I just went and dug out my receipts to see what the deal was - I bought a package in February 2016 and then upgraded it later (which I have zero record of) and all I have is two receipt emails for the initial package, each with no info other than a link to “My Hangar” in them.

Be interesting to see if my stuff is still there.

—and it still is - well I never!

Along with loads of other stuff I know nothing about. When I bought it that 300i was supposed to be the latest all singing and dancing ship - but I bet it long since isn’t any more.

Maybe I’ll have a quick look at some stage, but I really just don’t have time for this any more - I’m overwhelmed with stuff I need to do/learn already.


That’s a bit of my problem as well. When my old PC died I kinda lost connection to SC because I just couldn’t run it on any PC for almost two years.

After that I dropped in a few times but I have no clue what to do and where to start, and I just don’t have the time. The game blows me away each time I log in, but I end up wandering around kinda aimlessly and don’t know what to do.

Which is sad. I think they achieved something great there, and I don’t regret putting a few bucks in there.


Every stream I watch it seems to be a lot of sitting around waiting. Waiting for your ship to be available. Waiting for stuff on the stations. Waiting waiting. I have other things to do!

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At the moment it’s very bare bones but there are missions but not for too far as I keep dying… If you’ve already bought into it from previous I would say give it a try again but if you were going to buy it now I still would say don’t bother yet. I think there’s a free trial going on at the moment though.


I’d bought a couple of ships years ago when it launched but as the game became more technically demanding I couldn’t run it do sold my ships to someone on SIM HQ except for the Aurora which I’ve upgraded twice to finally an Avenger Titan and then bought the Cutter last night.

I think the 300i is still good though, never tried it myself.

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Yeah it’s still very rough but I kind of like the length it takes to do certain tasks, makes it feel a bit more realistic. But I can imagine that getting tedious for the 100th time!

That was exactly what I saw and experienced myself when I last had a look. There was this very impressive space city to wander round - and I spent a lot of time doing that and I could see lots of others doing the same - and every now and then someone would ask what they were supposed to do and never get an answer (cos no-one else knew, either.

There was a spaceport of some description and I remember walking around a hangar or something, but I had no idea how to get anything working. I also remember a terminal (probably in a later version) where you were supposed to be able to arrange a flight in a ship - but I was unable to and it definitely wasn’t exactly intuitive.

When I went to their forum and asked for some assistance all I got was dozens of people trying to get me to join their virtual squadrons or whatever they call them in this game.

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That’s sad. I could find my ship, hop in and fly, but didn’t know where to fly. :smiley:

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if you log into the mobiglass thing there are some missions there … (or were when i last checked) they ranged from package delivery to lost person searches :smile:


Are you suggesting I search for myself?


I did a mission to go and pick up a package. Easy enough I thought and travelled to the planet (the moon looking one in my screenshots actually) and landed, got out and walked around the ruined buildings, came around a corner and started taking fire. By the time I’d got my gun out I was dead :smile:

I believe there are combat missions both in space and on ground now though.


Space pizza delivery is not for the faint of heart!


This game is shaping up now. We had some fun stripmining


I like that new Drake salvager, reminds me of a combine harvester. So cool and utilitarian looking.

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i did one delivery mission, found the package, found the destination landed in the middle of a storm with howling winds and snow … got out of my ship and delivered the box, as i walked back to where i parked my ship only to watch the ship floating away at tree top level in the storm :sweat_smile:


You forgot to throw out the anchor :laughing: