Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

There is an included single player campaign, and they added a second one for free after release, so two free ones included. The stories fit together, so worth playing the earlier one first of course.

Do stick with Titanfall 2 single player to get past the first few levels, as it really gets going and some of the levels are really imaginative in design. I wasn’t expecting it to be so good.

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I loved my big robot buddy. Fantastic game.

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@fearlessfrog ty mate!
i hade battlefront 1 hence why i didn’t had the single player…
downloaded both sw battlefront2 and titanfall2 now let’s hope to have time to play them! :slight_smile:


well this week-end i worked hard! Titanfall 2 complete!
really liked the the campaign gameplay!

instead SW battlefront II mmmm
seems really childish…
played 5 min of the campaign and got bored!

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It’s ok, and the gameplay is pretty simple. I do like the Star Wars story side, so that probably added something for me. The story does pick up later.

For those curious but would never play it, here’s the first hour:


This is looking very promising …


It almost looks too good to be true.
Sure, a few things are a bit weird, such as the Jedi using the dangly vines for getting across the chasms instead of just jumping across, but then I don’t know how strong exactly he is.
And another thing: I wish they would show the full potential of the Lightsaber. It should one-hit (and probably slice right through) basically everything it hits. At least normal enemies. “Jedi Knight” 1-3 got that mostly right.
It just felt more epic and true to the original that way.

Still quite impressive. I am carefully optimistic.

I have it pre-ordered on PS4. The only thing I’m not liking is that Cal looks like a bratty teenager but a SW RPG type game sounds so good.

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The more I see of this the more excited I’m getting!


Same here.
Edit: to me it kinda looks like Tomb Raider + Jedi Academy, and since I immensely enjoyed the last three Tomb Raider games and Jedi Academy is among my favourite games of all time I think I will buy this.


Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy were both great. I’ve been waiting for a spiritual successor ever since. Going to wait for initial reviews though.


Yeah same here. The game will probably need a patch or two, like most games these days.

I missed this when it was announced but looks like they are going to port both of them onto the Switch and PS4 early next year.


I wish someone would make a redo of those like with System Shock. As they are, I just can’t get back into them because i’m spoilt with 2019s technology. They were excellent games when they came out but time be a harsh mistress.

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Imagine them both remade with the engine of Jedi Fallen Order and slightly optimized gameplay…

I played through the whole series (including Mysteries of the Sith) last year. Still great despite the dated looks.


Ahh yes, I still occasionally get flashbacks to that damn cave where you had to fight a dark apparition of yourself. I never did figure out a consistant strategy for that fight, it was mash-the-buttons-and-hope-for-the-best time. Fun memories :blush:


It’s actually going to be on Steam… I caved


Yikes, you shouldn’t have told me that! I think I’ll wait for actual reviews before purchasing this since there’s no pre-order incentive.


don’t look here

