Totally getting this on Steam.
On Steam!?
There goes my last part of resistance…
Do post your thoughts once it’s out!
November is a good month for Star Wars, with The Mandalorian (looks good from the trailer) starting on the 12th and Fallen Order out on the 15th. And The Rise of Skywalker out the next month
I should get commission from Steam
You can pre-load now, 47.8 GB if anyone was wondering the size
Fun fact: Every time I click this thread I get nervous.
I kinda expect one of two things:
- wow this is the most amazing game ever!!
- this game is so bad! Waaaagghhh! BURN THEM ALL!!
Looking forward to Friday to play it and also tonight to watch the first episode of The Mandalorian! Even though Disney + isn’t available here in the UK yet…YAAARRRR!
I don’t expect it to be a hallmark like Jedi Outcast was, but a solid Star Wars story driven game would be enough at this point. Looking forward to some reviews.
They making you all wait over there? It’s an actual midnight release on Steam, Eastern time even!
Not sure. Steam says 15th.
There is a countdown clock showing on my steam homepage, which of course is nice
I’ll be waiting for reviews. There apparently is an embargo in place. Knowing EA better be cautious. On the other hand it was developed by Respawn who are known for good quality games. Also releasing it on Steam was a nice surprise.
I hope it will be good, been playing Jedi games since Lucas Arts’ Dark Forces from 1995 (well Kyle Katarn wasn’t a Jedi yet) through Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy and first Force Unleashed. I guess we will find out tomorrow…
Reviews seem to look good so far. Not a lot of bugs, at least not on the PC, gameplay seems to be smooth.
The story reportedly is - Star Wars like - not quite great but good, they say.
Will most likely buy it today unless I hear something else that puts me off.
The possibility alone that EA didn’t bork this is amazing, i mean who’d have thunk? Hope this is the dawn of an era where we once again see story driven SW games, but then it is EA, so, fat chance. I wish Disney would stop granting a single publisher all the power over the games development in the SW franchise.
From a customer perspective, granting individual licenses to varying studios would lead to much more and much better content.
EA as a publisher and EA as a developer are two very different things. Respawn being a subsidiary, my guess is they let them do what they needed to do and acted more like EA the publisher