But its still one axis though right? So left up us X+ and right up is x- right? The pedals move opposite each other or am I missing something?
You only get X+… that’s where the issue originates from.
That must be a bug, right? Something they will fix?
Dangitt! Thanks Owl, I’ll go sit on the darn fence for now… and cry…
I’m waiting, just to get a better idea of what changes/ fixes are coming, and for all the bugs to get sorted.
A quick browse through Reddit this morning is showing a repeated theme of complaints about horrid HOTAS options so far, and the reviews I’ve seen so far seem to be trending to “I wish there was more here.”
So I figure I can wait another month or so.
Fixed that for you. Sorry, can’t stand the whole ‘influencer’ non-sense. The lot of them are like this these days it seems.
[Grumble grumble wanders off to yell at clouds]
IMO, the space combat in BF and especially BFII was great for what it was. It had me jonesing for a new Rogue Squadron game, a series I had as much fun with as I did X-wing back in the day. XW really gave a great “managing a star fighter” vibe, but RS was great at scratching a “I want to tear into a squadron of tie fighters” itch.
RS also benefited from better environments, which is to say it actually had them. XW basically had desktop backgrounds of star fields, but skimming the planet surface in an X-wing never got old. The big thing that robs you of is a sense of speed and presence in your environment. Seems like from videos I’ve see of Squadrons, they’ve made a lot of very lively space environments to counter for that, which seems great.
oh yes. oh god yes. YES! It is Xwing / TIE fighter!
It’s rough 'round the edges tho. Controller config for example needs some love. Having the game not detect when a controller is reconnecting is … not of this day.
I don’t know. With the addition of TrackIR in XWA, and the apparent lack of interest in supporting it for Squadrons, It’s gonna be a hard pass for me. We’ve been conditioned since 2001(?) to expect head tracking as an option for most, if not all things simulation, it’s gonna be really really hard going back to the equivalent of someone holding my head completely level against my will.
Maybe when it goes on a deep (90%) sale at the end of the year…
I was close to use some secret funds I keep from my wife to buy this but after the posted comments I’ll wait for a sale.
Yes, but they never said this was a simulation. I think some people are pushing that angle, but EA never did.
As for TIR in XWA, I had no patience for modding it and only ever played stock.
I tried using TIR in Elite Dangerous but gave it up when I realized none of the ships I had gave me better visibility than a TIE Fighter–about 45 degrees left and right and like 30 degrees up and 20 degrees down. The rest was solid metal. Why bother with all that?
I wasn’t really expecting it (I’ve been completely skeptical since the initial announcement as it is), but when the option is there, even if only for the novelty, it’s hard to go back. There’s no point in a TIE fighter, no argument there, but flying around in an X-Wing, I just know it’s gonna irk me that I can’t look at that capital ship as I fly past it unless I’m flying directly at it. I won’t dive into why we use head tracking, I think most of us here know why, it’s a peripheral that most of us have gotten conditioned to, and it’s hard for some of us to go back. VR users are now becoming more and more vocal about VR support in much the same way. Sure, we could go back and “just have fun”…but why would we when we have other viable options that check our boxes?
How are they handling that in general, re the lack of visibility in the Tie? Even using hat pov/ pad lock, or the other end, VR, the tie just has a porthole.
Well HOTAS mapping is a PITA! but I figured it out.
This is what the link says, but I wanted to give credit for the guy or gal that posted it,
So after some issues getting my CH Products HOTAS to work in this game I have a couple of suggestions. In controllers menu all the way at the bottom, you can select which of your controllers are 1, 2, or 3 (if you have separate flight stick, throttle, and pedals like me). Make sure your flight stick is 1, your throttle is 2, and your pedals are 3. This should allow you to properly map your yaw to the pedals and your throttle up and down properly. Before I did this my pedals were controller 1 and I couldn’t map the yaw to them. I also couldn’t properly map my throttle.
Before it changed the controllers I couldn’t map anything, After it was a little easier to map.
I was having a lot of problems mapping my rudder pedals to Yaw Left and Yaw Right in the main menu configuration. I couldn’t get left rudder to work at all. Then, for grins, I tried mapping once I was already in a mission and it suddenly worked.
Something to try.
Now, I need a mod that increases the roll rate. All these spacecraft feel like the Sproose Goose in roll.
For those thinking of getting Squadrons and don’t mind going through the Epic Games store, you can save $10 and get it for $30, using a coupon.
Update: It might be due to axis positioning of any other connected controllers. I was having no luck with my pedals Z+ axis, so I adjusted the position of all the other controllers (stick, throttle, etc…) and it was suddenly able to pick up the Z+ axis.
I’ve finished the SP campaign today - it was quite a ride. The gameplay is more like Rogue Squadron than classic X-Wing / Tie Fighter though. Also why they didn’t implemented Track IR while there’s already VR is beyond me. I didn’t touched MP yet, currently replaying the campaign again.
Watched some YouTube. Tempted to get it. Would obv be better if could play with mudspikers somewhat regularly.