Game looks good! I replaced my Thrustmaster Warthog gear with my old X52 Pro hotas for way better action and I’m still using my Saitek rudder pedals. No problemo. VR is great.
If anyone needs a squadmate I’m here … ElbyZero
Game looks good! I replaced my Thrustmaster Warthog gear with my old X52 Pro hotas for way better action and I’m still using my Saitek rudder pedals. No problemo. VR is great.
If anyone needs a squadmate I’m here … ElbyZero
I’ll prob hit you up.
Gotta get some more game under me though. Fun in VR, but as usual gives me a headache. Have to use it more frequently to get that gone again.
I am also a terrible fighter pilot period
Can always play support
The way the dogfight maps I’ve been on are I honestly am not sure if being a squad matters or not. Hard to stick together when there are 75 asteroids in your way.
You can ping targets if you need support from your squadmates.
I tinkered around with SWS tonight … you can tool around space however you want, stop on a dime and maneuver around space junk like an ace!
You can also suck at space combat which is what I’m doing right now … but I’m making progress! I’ve never followed the Star Wars universe so I don’t know what a Yoda or Romulan is but SWS is starting to grow on me!
Ah… I saw ping target in the controls, but had no clue what exactly they meant by that.
I’ll have to check my stats quick, only played a few rounds. I know i’d die a lot less if I didn’t accidently cut my throttle to zero trying to roll 2-3 times a round.
Did the first non-prologue story mission and the fleet battles tutorial.
I’m bad haha.
I’m a “perfect” 1.00 K/D lol, surprised they didn’t give more stats, but it’s been an avg of 5 Kills and 5 Deaths per match. I think i’ve only actually done 4 matches so far.
Did your fleet battle tutorial advance? I know it was bugged and mine never does something on the Star Destroyer gets bugged every time.
Yep. Completed no problem. Only issue I’ve had thus far is being unable to get to menu (joystick button just didn’t seem to want to do it… Same button recalibrated vr position no problem so not sure what that’s about… And it’s worked befoee.) And the prologue “mash any button” I had to unplug the joystick to get it to advance (thank you internet).
But fleet battles advanced no prob.
Weird, mine bugged twice after wasting a good hour or so each time and since I had to quit my stats still show a time of 0:00
Thank goodness for VR in this game LOL! I must look like a maniac with my head whipping all over the place. I tend to fly these starfighters like fighter jets even though there’s no air.
We should hook up this weekend and share what we’ve learned!
The one video I linked with the game director man he said something about adding “weight” to them since Star Wars movie space combat was based on WW2 air combat, so he said even though it’s not accurate for space combat they should fly “more” like a plane to honor that and better emulate what you see on the movie screen
Pretty much. Star Wars has always been using the classic “WW2 in space” plane style physics for fighters and boat style physics for capital ships.
Plus gravity, there is always an up and a down.
Downloading this now, Once i have worked it out I hope we can have a get together for some fun online
It’s a lesson in frustration trying to set up my hotas and rudder, the rudder is assigned as joystick 1 and press button 11 on joystick 1 for calibration of vr headset,. 3 hours now arfgghh I may get another chance to try it in a weeks time
Plug them in 1 at a time in order of importance assigning what you need.
Once you get your hotas set up, prepare to suck.
The thing about the k/d ratio is it doesn’t break down cause of death.
I find I’ve died from capital ship lasers more often than enemy fighters, probably 2:1. So in a match where I died 5 times, it would be 3x from cap ships and 2x from losing a dogfight (or more likely getting killed by the wingman while in a dogfight with lead!)