Steam sales started!

Yep, Ghost Recon (1). That‘s the one.
But i liked H&D2 a bit more, it was authentic (within its limits)


Just picked up the il2 battle of Kuban and the P40-E … now just have to find time to fly it… :grinning:

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Finally caved and bought some stuff

Only did stuff with the regular old screen, will test in VR later, but seems pretty darn good.

and finally I probably wasted money on this, not cause of the game, but because I am super terrible at RTS games (they always have such damn nice trailers though).

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Vox looks really cool, reminds me of the old school Earthsiege titles kind of. Let me know how you like it, I might have to pick that up.

Picked up so far:

If you enjoyed Moby Dick, or have an interest in early 18th century nautical matters, it’s a fun diversion. The mechanics aren’t super deep, but there is a fun learning curve to get good at it. Graphically it’s great, and really conveys the setting nicely. There’s no real blood or guts, so it’s mostly family friendly.
HOWEVER: You or your crew can end up in some pretty compromising situations, including male on male. Nothing explicit is shown, and the writing is PG-13, but if you don’t want to have to explain to your 10 year old what is going on, you might want to shy away.

This had been on my wishlist forever. Haven’t gotten around to it yet, beyond a cursory look at it. Seems like a fun old school space shooter.

Paging @Sine_Nomine! Orbital mechanics with hard science combat, in a very nicely displayed graphical interface. I never got into KSP for some reason, but this seems to scratch that itch, and I’m learning a lot about orbital mechanics. I may do a seperate thread on it, as it’s very unique. Currently trying to figure out how to make it from Venus’ish to Mars in under 2 years and successfully making my orbit. Previous mission is a knock down drag out fight between two drone carrier fleets in orbit around Cere’s. Good stuff!

I also snagged Silent Hunter 5 as it’s the only one in the series I don’t own (I’ve bought more expensive games for worse reasons). Task Force 1942, to relieve some memories of my youth (the copy protection is still in, so I need to track down my manuals). Dangerous Waters, just so I didn’t have to keep track of the CD anymore.

And finally:

This is basically a sandbox logic circuit generator (where the heck was this when I was taking hardware courses in college!), with a “puzzle mode” tacked on. For .49 it’s definitely a steal if you do anything at all involving small scale low level circuit design. For gaming purposes I would instead recommend:

Which is a MUCH better puzzle game, while still teaching a lot about low level design.


Thinking of getting "Cold Waters"I’d like to play something on my laptop while My Wife is watching “Reality TV” :slight_smile: Anyone have/play it? Any Good? I was a Huge SH III fan back in the day.

It’s a great laptop game. I’m still in the tutorials…but love what I see so far. Not too complex, but just the right amount I think…

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Been playing Cold Waters since it was released. If you ever played Red Storm Rising by Microprose back in the day, it’s very similar in feel. It has had a lot of changes since it was first released, and I think they have done a really good job of putting together a solid game. If you are looking for a “sim” you’re looking at the wrong title. If you ever played Dangerous Waters or the like, it’s nothing close to that, and it’s not supposed to be. The torpedo dodging is designed to give a cinematic feel rather than be accurate to real world torpedo performance for example. It’s a great laptop game though.

Let me know if you have any specific questions, I’ll be happy to answer them.


Thank You Very much :slight_smile:

Thx,@ 50% off I don’t think I can go wrong.

I doubt i’ll get to any more of it before the sale ends, so the quick and dirty of it. I really like what I’ve seen so far. Multiplayer only however. Still haven’t got to it in VR either but I can’t see it being anything less than great in that regard. (easy to get the feel for what it offers in VR from the regular screen thankfully)

If all else fails or I just want some single player I pre-ordered this :joy:

Went old school on the last day and bought the Star Wars X-Wing and Tie Fighter games, Armo(U)red Fist 3 and Fleet Defender :slightly_smiling_face:


Make sure to check the guides section in Steam Community Hub - I put instructions on how to enable digitized speech in game.

I also put all the videos from Encyclopedia (available with Gold version) into Video section as you can’t run it on modern systems.


That’s brilliant, thanks Damson! I’d just literally tried it and had thought I need to look into tweaking it.


@damson’s guide changed the game from a quick nostalgia trip for me into a sim I’ve put over 30 hours into… I love it!