Nothing says “community” more than a place where you can actually say things to other folks in your community, so we’ve christened a dedicated Teamspeak 3 server for Mudspike.
The service will be as open as our forums – no need to wait for specific events or permission from an admin, use it whenever you’d like for whatever you’d like – just keep in mind that this Teamspeak environment is an extension of our open community. Be excellent to each other, and party on.
Nope, What security level is your TS server set too. My security level is set at 9 and this is the only TS server that won’t allow me to connect. I keep getting the “Insufficient identity security level for this server. You need to improve your identity security level” message. It is still asking for a security level of 10 for me to connect. My main concern is if I start messing with Security levels that I could end up borking my other TS connections.
I took a gamble and I created a new user and set the security level to 20 on that user to see if there were different security levels given to each user. There are by the way. That worked and I logged in just fine.
This video on improving your security level will help anyone else that runs into this problem.
To find out what level started to get time consuming I created a user and tried for a security level of 30. I got to 26 in about 10 minutes. To get from 26 to 30 TeamSpeak was estimating at least another 60 minutes.
Level 8 to Level 26 - 10 minutes
Level 26 to Level 28 - 20 minutes (30 minutes total)
30 minutes is roughly the amount of time it will take for each identity you create to get to Security level 28. I haven’t seen any more improvements above security level 28 in the last 30 minutes which puts me 60 minutes into the improvement of the user I created for this test. So it looks like getting above Security level 28 is when it starts to get really time consuming.
Will have a go. @Fridge and @near_blind also have TS admin accounts, in case I ever do get caught and incarcerated so can’t do it etc.
This is still @EinsteinEP’s server he pays for and provides for the Mudspike community. I can do this via the TS admin in-app I think, but we’d need his permission to access the server direct.
EDIT: I up’d the spam flood protection value as your link. Points need to block 150 → 550 in-case anyone else needs to reset it later. Reduced points per tick was already 15.
Alternatively you can set your joystick use a button like scroll lock and set scroll lock to PTT . If the joystick is actually the problem that might help. It’s what I do.
Roger that. I’ll keep it in mind in case frog’s fixes turn out to be no good. I haven’t messed around with T.A.R.G.E.T just yet though, so I’ll have to figure out how that works.
Can you link the server status to the front page or give it a tab? I like to use the Articles - Mudspike Forums link to see if anyone is on but can never find it without a google search.