The “DCS 2025 and beyond” hype thread

Saw this over on the ED forum so thought I would shamelessly steal it :joy:

So what do people think is coming :grinning:


Skyraider and shares in ssd manufacturing


I laughed! :grin:


I hope for a round Earth, dynamic map loading, and water that gets lit up by light sources such as helicopter search lights. Oh, and any form of ATC comparable to Falcon4 or so.


You guys know me… I’m simple. Only one thing I want.

All the rest is extra.


I’d really like a resolution to the Razbam modules roadblock, so we can get MICA for the Mirage 2000 (I understand that’d need a new radar as well).

I do not think we’ll get either of these things.


Better AI, especially for the ground units.


The dynamic campaign, preferably with a single player mode.

Tornado, Lightning, Buccaneer, Hunter, Jaguar (RAF version).

The Skyraider would be great. I would like to see the F100, Naval F4 variants, the A6 and maybe the Prowler. It would be nice to explore some other combat roles.

After playing Sea Power, I think the Seasprite might be fun, although we would need to be able to hunt submarines.


Ok…hold my beer…

More tools for creators, especially persistence (built in). Someone will then build a lot of cool stuff that ED hasn’t the resources for (and possibly make themselves a little coin on the side too). Like…errr…a dynamic campaign - many of them, and you get to choose the one you like best.

Then ED can focus on fundamentals (like performance, ie; Vulkan? and low-level AI). The better the tools the more things that can be created; the more things created the more people use their stuff; the more people that use their stuff, the more money they make.

Oh, and a biz model that allows the above to happen.


I don’t want to be the party pooper but… When I look at some DCS clip and I keep seeing the A6, the La-9, Corsair or Hellcat, it makes me uncomfortable. I don’t want to say angry… but it bothers me.
We have been talking about Corsair and Pacific assets pack since 2019. Now there are so many modules in the works… I try not to care, oh but I do.


Yeah, my little project[1] has a campaign in that era (training cos there is no appropriate map, yet) and there’s only 3 (NATO) jets on the ramp.

[1] on hold, again, as I’m currently trying to get the AI to do something consistent for chopper air assaults and such. A ‘thing’ invented during that time. Hours of trial and error without any help from the engine makers

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This would be nice. But does ED have the resources to come close to populating such a world (Earth) with any level of detail? Without opening up the tools for the ‘community’ to fill in [all of the] blanks? Keeping everything closed means progress in that area remains at a glacial pace, again.


Agree. I’m not the first to notice this but DCS feels like a car being built - while you 're driving it.


That’s issue worries me the most. I’ve no inside info of course but it hints at problems, of the kind that spell the sudden end to DCS as we know it. Or, it could just be people problems.


Apologize to all for blabbering on here…you can always tell when I’m in the middle of running test after test [on my dev PC] to get the AI to do all of the things (all 3 of them) all of the time, instead of most of them some of the time. Run number 9,999 in progress… :slight_smile:


PTO…or at least a start
…and Santa…if you’re listening??..a 2 seat Rhino…I’ve been a Very Good Boy this yr!!!
:santa: :partying_face: :santa:


Yes yes yes yes!

:a6: :a6: :a6: :a6: :a6: :a6:

Prowler would be AWESOME as well but I guess that is wayy more complex and is probably better done after ED builds a proper basis for ECM.

Knowing the Intruder will take a while, I have some things I’d love to get to play with while waiting for the Intruder.

But if my wishes here have any influence whatsoever, let their power go to the module my brother in law wants. He has been waiting for the F4U and been told it is almost done since before he started high school. He graduated this year.

F4U Finally next year?

Ok, so somewhere below all A-6 variants and the F4U I’m looking forward to:

  • A-7E Corsair II
  • Fiat G.91
  • Mirage F1M (CCIP!)
  • F-104G Starfighter
  • Central Germany map

And for the least likely wishlist items:

  • ASW in DCS, preferably with an SH-3 Sea King, any (naval) variant
  • CH-53, any variant
  • I guess I’ll list the F-8 Crusader here as well, since Leatherneck / Magnitude 3 was working on one and they would release the F4U first

C or G model. I’m not fussy. Paging @Bogusheadbox


The “Cow Killer”! Yes.


Somewhere on here [this site] I have an anecdote about this, from 40+ years ago.

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I’ll get serious.

1, herc
2, skyraider
3, pig
4, f14D