Early stealth tech.
Me too!
A bit of both. Nav is alongside but slightly aft. Think of the photo of me climbing into the cockpit. I will find a copy
Oooops, already posted
Is the voice over provided by the same guy from AuthentiKit, or are my colonial ears deceiving me?
They all sound alike!
But seriously, ED should involve that guy. I bet he will make a mossie stick and throttle.
Didn’t Wags usually make The “Start Up Video” just prior to release?..Could we be looking at a Release really soon??
He did a weekly series of 5 or 6 videos prior to the Hind. So I’d imagine we’re in a similar time scale.
I would expect a video for taxi, takeoff and landing, another one for weapon employment, and probably another one for radio equipment and radio navigation.
Tony handles WWII content, I handle more modern content.
Kind regards,
Hey Wags!
In that case, feel free to talk about the Apache…
Yes, this is a mossie thread, but this is also Mudspike, so threads tend to derail anyway
Good to see you!
Suddenly, a wild Wags appears.
Hi! Good to see you. Keep up the good work
Tell him Cibit sends his love, we used to fly together a while back
…and you handle that very well Sir Thank You!!!
Horrible, thankless jobs no doubt, but someone has to do it.