The Russian Ministry of Information video thread

That is an awesome photo

Wow…that is some beautiful footage. The Russians do have some elegant birds - to rival the French for sure…


Got this one (both parts) in my YouTube personal folders. It really is a classic.

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That moustache is amazing!


The first two minutes and the last two minutes of this video is pretty cool. I never realized how “shifty” the MV-22 is - but it really looks like the wind is whipping there…

Found my next Mudspike Logistics cargo pilot…

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I didn’t know 3-point landings were a thing for tricycle geared airliners… Interesting

Yeah…wheelbarrowing like that is generally not a great idea…

So what prankster flipped the engines around on that AN-72?


Vasily you are looking at the plans upside down.

Topsy turvy waterbomber

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Snorkeling tanks always seemed like a really bad idea to me. I mean…it just seems like a disaster just waiting to happen.

More tanks. I think the Russians make these T90 knock-offs look better than the Iranians do though. The Iranian Propaganda Arm isn’t very good…

The combined arms lethality is concerning though…I mean, coupled with their plywood jet…

It looks more like a soap box racer with wings, than a jet

Agreed but damn, that was subtle and pretty decent, I doubt I would even find a broken seal on that landing! Impressive aircraft to be honest!

Pretty sweet looking cockpit too. I see they still haven’t run out of that blue paint…


Good grief…no…no thanks at all…how the heck do they keep those things in the air…???

Bonus cockpit photo…

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