Through the lens - VR pics

Many thanks to @HiFlyer for pointing out the recently released freeware Lynx Mk7. It is very nice. I actually did manage to bring her to life via the Cold & Dark Challenge - probably not to spec, but hey…what more can you ask?

Taking a spin around the Dry Tortugas…

Looking for coconuts…

Look at the butt on that. He must work out…


Inspecting @Hangar200’s boat…marine inspection complete.


Such a double standard.


In the Reverb, the butt is perfectly smooth, high definition, taut. The O+, the colors of the butt are a bit warmer and richer, but a bit fuzzy…almost like the Barbara Walters filter has been applied. With the Rift, hand tracking as you reach out to caress the butt is much better…and the controllers feel so natural, unobtrusive as you go about your business of virtually fondling the Orbx models. I don’t own a Pimax, but I hear you can see butts throughout a 170 field of view. So there’s that.




New Ka-50 looking pretty darn sweet in the Reverb…


But don’t buy any of ’em!


…and definitely don’t run em’ with vorpX…



Had to hop into VR in X-Plane today a bit to do some “work” and ended up doing some play too. With @smokinhole posting about his Machmell Fisheries obsession, I wanted to check it out in VR. It really is a glorious little area to take your helicopter or light bush plane into. I’m going to have to explore making some ortho tiles for the area to fully flesh it out. I’m not sure if @fearlessfrog has already done that or not because I know it is an area nearer to him…

The (now freeware) Mins Mi-2 has been updated a bit for X-Plane 11 and does work well. It is a really good VR platform as you can just reach around the cockpit and hit all the switches necessary for start. It has some quirks (make sure you take your engine covers off…and make sure you use F1 to roll your throttle all the way down) - but it is absolutely a joy in VR.

Then I loaded up the Shade Tree Micro Aviation Husky with the analog panel. I really love this bird, but generally don’t recommend it because it doesn’t have 3D instrumentation…just 2D…which works fine in VR, but does appear a bit flat. I love it for its simplicity and the GPS works easily and it’s just a fun bird to fly around in VR.

Soft field landings, forward slips…it is a joy to fly…

And because I spied it in my virtual hangar…I took the Cessna 207 for a spin…and it is fantastic in VR too…

I get good framerates with HDR off and medium settings in X-Plane. I know I’m smiling anytime I’m flying X-Plane in VR…it is just insanely gorgeous and immersive. I still can’t believe we have VR and I’m as happy as a pig in…well…you know…


I’m making some now - so I’ll report back how they look…

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Looks familiar…



The X-Crafts E-Jet Embraer 135 is still my favorite in VR. And I’m still amazed at the graphics we have in our sims…


Did you get the update for the ERJs? 1.3.2 came out the other day, fixed some stuff.

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Yes. I love their updater thingy…Skunkcrafts Updater. So nice to update all my modules with that thing…

I’m loving the Carenado Fokker 50. Very VR friendly in that it is easy to fly, the systems are easy, and the VR integration is very good.

Getting ready to deliver about 8,000 lbs. of various things to Moses Lake…banking a cool $160K…

The only frustrating thing about the Fokker 50 is the massive center portion of the yoke (I’m convinced they have hidden a coffee maker in there). It really does completely block the HSI…

Overhead is super easy to navigate and sort of reminds one of an Airbus panel…

Lined up to go at Pullman. Love this airfield…thanks to @Rhinosaurus for pointing it out to all of us…we basically invaded his airport…haha…

Climbing out and getting ready to engage the autopilot. VR is just…sooooo cool.

Can’t see my HSI. Fortunately you can hide the yoke…

Love the mix of round gauges and some tape gauges in the Fokker. It even has a sort of FADEC I guess. When I use the CRZ button though I end up with an overspeed usually…

Layout is very reminiscent of the old Citation V I used to fly. Almost exactly the same type of gauges (Sperry/Honeywell)…

Flight director panel is perfect in VR. Easy to see buttons and easy to select with your hand controller placed directly on them. Autopilot/FD integration is excellent and the plane follows the FD settings perfectly. Just a great plane to fly.