Ah the fokker 50, the swansong of our Dutch aviation industry pride. After that we never had a significant producer of whole aircraft again. They also built the 100, a small regional jet that was ok I guess but the 50 was almost like a dc3 in usefulness. And a funny name
Something is wrong with that geometry…
If you sit high enough to see the top of the glareshield, you should definitely be able to see the HSI over the yoke.
Edit. Had to search for some cockpit pics.
Here’s how it should look. You can see the cover of the yoke joint is actually angled so not to interfere with the view of the EHSI.
There’s no way you’d overspeed a real Fokker 50 in straight and level, unless JATO bottles were used!
The predecessor, the Fokker F27 was developed with the intent of capturing market shares from the DC-3. Basically building on the concept of the 3, but designing away its vices.
The Fokker 50 is certified as a F27 Mk. 050
- VR quote of the year.
So Reverb looks like the way to go from my CV1. Is there any noticeable impact to frames when you upgraded?
I few shots from an Air Hauler 2 flight in the Rotate MD88…works really well with the tweaks from SimVR Labs…
Heading out of Albuquerque…hmm…those DC-10 fire-fighting planes would make great cargo planes!
MD88 panel is awesome…
Working with the FMC works fine…but you do have to sort of get down close to it to accurately hit buttons…
Flight director / autopilot panel works will with the SimVR mods…good twisting and button pushing responses…
Lined up and ready for departure…
Approaching El Paso, TX…
Not sure where to park…but this looked like the proper spot…
With my WidmoVR lenses for my Reverb G2 I’m finding myself in VR much, much more these days because it is just so darn comfortable compared to wearing glasses. As such, I’ve also rediscovered that “kid in the candy shop” feeling as I’m going through my X-Plane inventory and enjoying a lot of these planes in their full VR glory.
This one is a curious one - I will never understand why developers will give up on one of their pride & joy projects that they have obviously poured a LOT of love into. The Ramzzess Sukhoi SSJ100. It is such a beautiful model and cockpit, with a really cool fly-by-wire flight model. It just needs some updating to be a module that could really sell in X-Plane 11 and I just can’t understand why the dev wouldn’t put in the incremental work to get it up to speed.
I have not yet applied all the community fixes to it - I might give it a whirl, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to mission through that right now.
The cockpit has some issues…reflective issues and stuff…but it does still look good in VR but needs some love. The MFDs are some of the nicest I’ve seen in X-Plane - very readable and just the right brightness and they have great old school “green needle” functionality that is oddly cool on this ultra modern looking panel and plane…
Did not do a cold start - I would have to do the community mods first I think to get some things fixed like the starter/gen outputs or something…
Gorgeous 3D model…
Sad to see it just left behind.
It’s nice that it takes a double-look to see if you’re actually playing in a real 747 or not. I know the photo taking adds a small bit of blur that helps, but we’re really living in the future. Wow.
Those photos look better than some photos I took with my phone 15 years ago
Its directly obvious from your first pic, sitting in machine like that
I’m sure it is making @Scoop’s leg twitch seeing that cockpit…although that is the turbine variant:
It is a lovely aircraft add-on. Since I owned the BN-2, it was 45% off or something…so it was an impulse buy, but it is really nice. They know what they are doing with their texturing…
Oops…you are talking about the Bell 222… Y…y…yy…ooo…uuu…aaaaa…aaa…rrrr…eeee… dddddd…aaaa…rrrr.r…nnnn…ri…riiii…ri…ght…
Alright - so I lied - I was ready to try all those steps to get the SSJ100 working. After all the steps, yes it is working…but it still has some issues and probably isn’t worth all the effort for the results. The textures and reflections are cleaned up, some of the object artifacts are gone, and I think if you flew it in 2D you could use the pop-up FMC. As well, the SASL fix makes the sounds work better. It is a bunch of edits to the .ACF file through Plane Maker. Not hard…but takes some time.
Again, I’m just sad the developer isn’t keeping his baby up to the task…because it really is a great plane…
She taxis really nice. Be sure to remember to unlock the nosewheel steering for taxi and lock it for takeoff or the nosewheel won’t retract…(ask me how I know!)…
This is a mouse only cockpit in VR…the VR manipulators use the old green/red line push/pull logic that isn’t very useful…
Kind of reminds me of the Honeywell Primus 1000…I like it. Here we are at 150 knots…autothrottle on, autopilot on, HDG to intercept the ILS into Flagstaff, AZ. Autopilot/autothrottle worked great. Hand flying is really nice with an on-the-rails FBW system that works great.
Anyway…yeah…just a darn shame it won’t be supported at all…
Still tooling around through my virtual hangar…and remember this little freeware gem…the Let L-410 Turbolet. An awesome short field operator with a really high quality cockpit. The texturing is phenomenal. Fantastic in VR too…
Very Mu-2-ish feel to it…engines screaming and kind of a wobbly ground presence to it…
A real performer though…can get out of any strip of dirt or pavement…
Fun stuff…
Playing around in Key West…took the MV-22 Osprey over to Ft. Jefferson…it is not rendered very nicely in Orbx Florida or whatever I have loaded…
Then practiced a couple autorotations in the S-92…that thing has energy for days stored in that rotor system…
Then tried to make myself barf in the T-34C…
I was a pax flying in to Sumburgh for my new job flying the Islander just after this event. As we turned around at the end of the runway the tail was sticking out of the sea. The aircraft was replaced with a Let410 that appeared to be a great workhorse. If you did not mind a long delay for mail bags in Orkney and travelling in the early hours it was agreat way to get to and from Shetland. Air Ambulance Shetland based pilots only. I was told the crew did not see the threshold at first and went below minima. Then they saw it and put down. The wrong end threshold. Might just be a tall story but it amused me when I saw the tail and thought this was going to be what I might do.
Forgive me for spamming - just having a lot of fun revisiting some old modules.
The old AMX still looks OK-ish…cockpit is pretty dated and lots of stuff not working, but the flight model is still fun and it is pretty good for just stick and rudder flying in VR. Somehow it gained an afterburner (but performance is still in line with the real AMX…pretty poor…)
This one gives me hearburn. The Avroliner Project RJ70 I think this one is. Bought it for $29 back in 2015 and the developer has not responded to any e-mails or requests for updates. It seems to be getting some kind of updates once in awhile…but I think they are very, very, very little being done to it, and I’ve seen multiple posts with people saying the developer never responds to e-mails. I’ve chalked this one up as a loss - or at least - I can enjoy it “as is” because I won’t be buying anything more from them again.
It is just an odd thing to me why a developer walks away from something. Yes, I know…time versus profit…but so much of it is done and pretty darn good. I mean, this had to take thousands of hours…so why not polish it up here and there and keep selling it?
My only though is this - if you do nothing to it, and people keep buying it off the website - your work invested from the point you decide you don’t care into perpetuity is zero work for X dollars of gain. And anything more than one cent is free money at that point (well, except you have to run your website). I dunno. I just don’t get it.
It is a fun airplane though…performs nicely, is not great as far as VR controllers, but works fine with a mouse and the VR headset. Autopilot works good…a good green needle plane for getting decent loads into small areas.
And to show how truly depraved I am…this old C-27J freeware…it has a 2D cockpit that works in 3D (but its flat)…but the thing flies pretty good and is fun in VR.
So there you go. Totally useless stuff in this edition of “What Am I Looking At Tonight”…
Thanks for your patience @PaulRix - I had been hoping to get some VR time with the CRJ last night and it didn’t work out… So very, very initial impressions - it looks great in 2D and looks really good in VR. At least in the Reverb G2 I can run at 100% scaling or whatever it is called in MSFS and the MFDs are readable with no problem. By that I mean I can read the ACARS messages or EICAS or whatever they are called on that plane. Performance seems fine. These through the lens shots are not very good because it is only 6PM here and there is a ton of ambient light coming in the room, resulting in lots of glare and bad focus…but you get the idea…
A bummer (and this may be a MSFS limitation) is that the HUD is not focused at infinity, so you get a clear image in both eyes…but not focused at the appropriate focal length - so the HUD is pretty much unusuable in VR.
Overhead panel clarity and functionality felt good. I’m not a huge fan of the “roll the mousewheel” to make a switch move even though it may more closely mirror a movement, because my zoom is also mapped to that so if I’m slightly off the switch I end up zooming in and out real quickly… I should probably just disable that (cockpit zoom) in VR…it really isn’t necessary…
I have not dug into the FMC yet. Seems pretty functional though. Nor have I looked at the autopilot…but the plane feels good. In VR the MFDs might have a bit TOO much curve to them. I had noticed this same thing in VR with the P3D version of the CRJ…like they exaggerated the convexity (is that a word?) and it seems even moreso in VR. Not really noticeable unless you are looking for it though.
Feels like a fun plane. I’ll be wringing it out the next three days or so…but it seems like a solid purchase. Definitely the most advanced 3rd party aircraft brought into MSFS thus far. Bodes well for the future I think… It has a nice tablet on the left side of the cockpit that has a million config options.
Great, thanks Chris. It’s pretty much a given that I’ll pick this up sometime soon. I probably should wait a bit though because I have had a heavy month of sim purchases…MilViz Corsair, various scenery addons, and a hydraulic damper add on for my crosswind pedals, which should be arriving by the weekend.