Early attempts at installing thrust vectoring on the SU-25
She’s a tough girl
An armed crop duster…
Air tractor 802U ISR Striker is an agricultural air plane, that branched out to firefighting and then to close air support…
In short, crop dusters not just for crops…
Is that real? Not a photoshop? Did the guy live?
Very little effect on the water so I’ll guess its shopped, but it’s the RN so anything is possible with those mad boys
somthing else to try on the next fightclub…
To be fair thats what most of my vertical landings on the Tarawa look like. 400kts wing down impact into sea. You know, controlled
Probably just a perspective thing…
Imagine that the Harrier is closer to the camera, than those waves are, and suddenly it doesn’t look so bad.
That would explain the lack of shadow from the harrier.
Ever heard of those RAF Alpha Jets in Oman that flew so low that ripped off the handrail of a stair?
Are you sure they were RAF? We never flew the Alpha Jet…as far as I know anyway.
BAC Strikemasters maybe? They were all over Oman.
Uhm… I’ll be posting pics is a while. Memory fails me.
Edit: it Was SEPECAT Jaguars!
Exactly. It’s easy to think that you ’see’ a shadow there, but it looks more like the shadow of a wave to me.
Real Low Flying…
So low in fact that the pilot struck a hand rail with the wing…
Now, I don’t know if it’s the same handrail found on the movable stairs you can see in the low right corner four pictures above this but… suspiciously similar. As I said, LOW flying.
There is also the Buccaneer pilots at red flag. Flew so low they came back with bits of Joshua tree lodged between control surfaces.
Also the VULCAN that took out a power line by CLIMBING into it!!! He hit it 3/4 of the height of the vertical stab. Meaning he was at around 15 feet when he hit it.
Hehehehe I actually had that car picture too but was unsure if posting it for privacy reasons…