I made that in 1/32nd scale years ago.
Glad you all like it as much as I do! I stumbled upon it while searching for F-14 wallpapers.
Not sure what the occasion was but according to the imgur caption this was mostly Egyptian Air Force. But then again, that same caption labeled the planes as MiG-15, MiG-17, Mirage 2000, while they look more like MiG-17, MiG-19 and Mirage III to me.
Those babies are 100 % mig 17 19 21.
The Mirage I’m not sure as they aren’t something I know a great deal about but the rest absolutely are as I said
Bright Star 83
I know this is for retro photos … but couldnt resist
I usually hate the look of two-seater variants, but for some reason I don’t mind that one. Still a sleek machine.
that clouds are quite easy to distinguish, but used also other stuff to confirm
hnggggh so sexy!
That might be the most beautiful jet I have ever seen. I had no idea.
Slender baguette is best baguette
@BeachAV8R’s PC-24 cockpit shot from last month…
…reminded me of a PC-12 shot I took years back (early 2017).
I believe the PC-24 has the (newer) Honeywell Epic Primus? avionics suite while the PC-12NG that I flew had the (older) Honeywell Apex- nearly identical looking from a distance.
Always enjoyed the Swiss design, definitely different/more unique than most of the other makes I’ve flown.
Nice photos Chaz…and snazzy avionics too!
Nice, but still prefer the looks of the hind… is it me or did they seem to want to go for an apache on steroids look
That’s a lot of doors flying in close formation lol.
I just saw two departing Keflavik today. Well, I doubt they were -b models. But they were trailed by a Herc, so who knows?