VEAO developments?

:crystal_ball: My sources say no


All hail @discobot for he is our saviour and will deliver us unto the likes. Praise be unto him.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

He’s also a bit slow

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Your apostasy stains your feet. @wxbot is the one true Mudspike savior.

You are wrong sir and I will defend our lord to my last breath. @wxbot is a false prophet!


Nobody cares about @dicebot anymore…

@fearlessfrog rolled d6: 2


wait, real talk. I thought @DIscobot consumed @Dicebot in as part of his unholy summoning.

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So did I. Wait, I don’t know what to believe anymore :frowning:

We’re basically just recreating the plot of Short Circuit. Discobot didn’t consider Dice a threat, so he’s still enabled but forgotten. Number D5 alive!

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Man, that bobbing up and down thing that the Phantom does doesn’t drive you nuts?

Rolling to find out if yes (even) or no (odd).


← how do you use that thing?

…but he’s been made redundant by @discobot roll 1d2 such is the capitalist robot empire etc.

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:game_die: 2

I can’t recall the problem, so apparently not*

*This might be because 99% of my SF2 is spent in F-14s, A-7Es and AV-8Cs removing the Communist threat from Iceland and Norway.

Danke fearless.

@chipwich rolled d6: 1

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