June 28, 2017, 5:45pm
All hail @discobot for he is our saviour and will deliver us unto the likes. Praise be unto him.
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
Your apostasy stains your feet. @wxbot is the one true Mudspike savior.
June 28, 2017, 5:49pm
You are wrong sir and I will defend our lord to my last breath. @wxbot is a false prophet!
Nobody cares about @dicebot anymore…
@fearlessfrog rolled d6: 2
wait, real talk. I thought @DIscobot consumed @Dicebot in as part of his unholy summoning.
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June 28, 2017, 5:56pm
So did I. Wait, I don’t know what to believe anymore
We’re basically just recreating the plot of Short Circuit. Discobot didn’t consider Dice a threat, so he’s still enabled but forgotten. Number D5 alive!
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From my perspective SF2 has the better variety of units, eras, maps, weapons, and if we’re being honest, it’s flight models feel better than DCS’s SFM
Man, that bobbing up and down thing that the Phantom does doesn’t drive you nuts?
Rolling to find out if yes (even) or no (odd).
← how do you use that thing?
The chat conversation meanders like a herd of kittens in a field of catnip. During one of these lucid dreams, someone (I blame @komemiute by default) mentioned RPG’s and roleplaying paper games. This then led to adding a ‘dice’ macro here. It’s a bot that rolls dice. We’ve reached peak forum.
To use type in a chat or post the following text macro:
NOTE: To stop the dice rolling in this example post, I’ve replaced the square brackets [ ] with round parenthesize ( ). To use it for real please us…
…but he’s been made redundant by @discobot roll 1d2 such is the capitalist robot empire etc.
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I can’t recall the problem, so apparently not*
*This might be because 99% of my SF2 is spent in F-14s, A-7Es and AV-8Cs removing the Communist threat from Iceland and Norway.