Viper update

It would be interesting to hear ED comment on what’s behind this.

Vinny the DoD contract negotiator: “So, eh, ED? We see you have this consumer product you make on the side.”

ED: “Um, yeah?”

Vinny: “You know, far be it for me to tell youse guys what to do or nothing. Free country, freedom of speech, nonclassified sources, yada yada yada.”

ED: “Ok…”

Vinny: “However, if you’d like to keep getting contracts from me and da boys, well, might we suggest you change this term here, and take out that name there? Maybe a few other things on this list here. Just a suggestion, of course.”

ED: “Oh”

Vinny: “You know, because along with your freedom we are also free to bring our contracts elsewhere, capice?”

ED: “Yeah”

Vinny: “Hey, glad youse guys can see our side of things. Very helpful when it comes to contract negotiations, and when you can scratch our back, we can scratch yours and see your side too, you know?”

ED: “Yes”


the sopranos smoking GIF


Boeing™ has a couple of trademarks.


A quick Google™ search indicates that:

“Trademarks last as long as they are used in commerce to brand products or services. Trademarks do not have expiration dates and do not expire after a set period of time, unlike patents and copyrights. So, any trademark can last as long as it is used to represent a brand.”

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It doesn’t expire for Boeing,

The License Term for someone paying for a License to use it Does.

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Looks like you’re in agreement :wink:

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Don’t know how much I care about lesser AIM-9s, but the way they’ll work in DF mode is a welcome improvement.


should be hella fun in airquake dogfights.

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I literally haven’t done that for 30 years since Falcon 3.0!
Yeah, I used AIM-9Ps then.

I have a question and i think this is as good a place to post it. Here it goes. Using the Mavericks, can i get a cockpit display of the seeker head while flying? We always only see the TGP view? I know we can use the seeker to lock a tgt…im just wondering can i see the seeker flying to the tgt on the MFDs?

You mean while the missile is off the rail? If so, then no. AFAIK the TV signal is transmitted through a plug in the rear of the missile that disconnects on launch and the missile is not equipped to send any footage to the carrier aircraft over the air.

There are other weapons that can do this like the GBU-15, but the F-16 is not equipped to use them.


@sobek ,
Thank you. I know im not crazy. I have seen these weapons that display the kamikaze view. Thanks for clarification, Maverick is not one of them.
I wonder if we may see this in DCS … “IN THE FUUUTUURE!” LOL


I think the F-15E will get the AGM-130 in future and the F-4E might also feature some sort of TV guided weapons. The F/A-18C also has the slam-er which can be used with a data link pod iirc


The bug, when equiped with the data link pod and having it properly configured can do live runs with both SLAM-ER and Walleye.


Good tips! Wow, Walleye… its the 90s lol. The SLAM-ER surprised me. I had no idea it had optical guidance.
Ill be home from vacay soon. Hope this patch dont take a week to dl…


So here’s a question. I haven’t refuelled the Viper in a long time but today I decided to hit the tanker and it never was so easy. I just parked the Viper behind the KC-135 and went from 4000lbs to 12000lbs in one go, I could even take my hand off the throttle to comfortably take a screenshot while being plugged in.

Now to my question. Did they change the FM recently? I was always comfortable refuelling the Viper but I never felt it was this easy.


I thought I read somewhere that they changed the stick input lag significantly reducing it? 50ms to 10ms? I don’t know where I pulled that statistic…maybe?


Oh yeah, that explains it, thx Beach. Glad they changed it, the input lag always felt so weird and counterintuitive. Very hard to get used to it.