Virpil item restock notice thread

Hot off the press for 9 March 2020

What? Already sold out?

What did you want?

A V.F.X grip should be arriving today, so I’ll be switching to guns this tonight! Might order a CM2 grip one day, but I mostly fly western a/c and have that covered now. Would like to get one of their panels when they are released.

The CM2 throttle.

Edit: I see now that it wasn’t restocked today.

Then we are in the same market.

I wish you good luck spotting the re-stocking early enough to make the purchase.

Wish me the same :upside_down_face:

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Good luck and may you be one second behind me… :wink:


Because I love you guys… Calling @Troll

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The Norwegian krone hasn’t been this low in decades and and we’re facing layoffs… I’m on a self-imposed purchase ban. Bloody virus!

No doubt. Much the same in my home. More flying and less tinkering I suppose.

Yes, and I have enough stuff to tinker with as is…
If only someone could tell me how long this will carry on like this. As it stands right now, I have to plan for worst case.

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14:40 got e-mail
17:30 read it

Throttle already gone :sleepy:

At least sth is coming.

That bloody email gave me a heart attack … I thought it was my shipping notice for the pre-order alpha grip … Damn :pensive: still waiting

Damn that was quick.

Next re-stocking on Monday 23 March 2020 6pm GMT.

No Alpha grip unfortunately.

Remember when we used to fly sims with the arrow keys?


I’m beginning to standardize my switch and color scheme. In this photo for the Hornet: left to right, the toggles are gear, hook, fuel probe (door). Next row blue are toggle switches. B1 is Launch Bar and B4 is Hook Mode, since they are toggles in DCS. B2/5 is Anti-Skid and B3/6 is Master Mode. T3 and T4 are throttle Idle and Off for engines 1 and 2.

Rotaries control interior and exterior lighting. Mode switch is for weapons, SAFE, A/G, A/A.


…and we even liked it!

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Hopefully it will go back to normal rails soon enough.

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The re-stocking date has been postponed to the 31 March. It is my birthday :slightly_smiling_face: so I hope I will grab that throttle.


Are you kidding? 29th is my birthday!