Visual Jokes or Intensity

I’m not sure but I’m thinking maybe so. Those guys look jacked! :smiley:

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I get the irony but man, you should know how often I check ingredients on meals like that and there is ALWAYS milk in it. It’s weird but necessary.

Wait till the aliens figure out half our species are the only mammals to keep drinking (another species’) mother’s milk for all of our life… and add it to everything.

Something like:
It seems harsh, but there is a limit ← must read sketch


Just remember. i before e except after c… unless you run a feisty heist against a weird beige foreign neighbour :stuck_out_tongue:



They are funny, but some of them have pretty simple answers that should be obvious.

And #9 is a false premise. (There are B cells.)

Edit: #7 as well. Plenty of singers sound British when they sing.

  1. The press harder thing, goes for just about anything that does not work as expected.

Remember rotary phone dials? My sister at young age would dial “harder” when it did not work for her. She used her tiny fingers to push the wheel beyond the stopper, thinking that would be better.

Many grownups still work that way :slight_smile:

The only two questions that I have no good answer to without googling are #4 and #8.

My guess for #8 is “none by default, communicate with the people next to you”.

Were B batteries. At least if we consider the ANSI size standard, which I assume they do in the joke :wink:

I was referring to the IEC norm. You are right, B died out, C and D are still common.

I mixed up B and C when I thought about it. But basically I assumed the question was referring to common batteries being mostly AA, AAA, or AAAA.
(Single A is as rare as B).




An oldie but a goodie:

WWI as a pub brawl

Germany, Austria and Italy are standing together in the middle of a pub when Serbia bumps into Austria and spills Austria’s pint. Austria demands Serbia buy it a complete new suit because there are splashes on its trouser leg. Germany expresses its support for Austria’s point of view. Britain recommends that everyone calm down a bit.

Serbia points out that it can’t afford a whole suit, but offers to pay for the cleaning of Austria’s trousers. Russia and Serbia look at Austria. Austria asks Serbia who it’s looking at. Russia suggests that Austria should leave its little brother alone. Austria inquires as to whose army will assist Russia in compelling it to do so. Germany appeals to Britain that France has been looking at it, and that this is sufficiently out of order that Britain should not intervene. Britain replies that France can look at who it wants to, that Britain is looking at Germany too, and what is Germany going to do about it?

Germany tells Russia to stop looking at Austria, or Germany will render Russia incapable of such action. Britain and France ask Germany whether it’s looking at Belgium. Turkey and Germany go off into a corner and whisper.

When they come back, Turkey makes a show of not looking at anyone. Germany rolls up its sleeves, looks at France, and punches Belgium. France and Britain punch Germany. Austria punches Russia. Germany punches Britain and France with one hand and Russia with the other. Russia throws a punch at Germany, but misses and nearly falls over. Japan calls over from the other side of the room that it’s on Britain’s side, but stays there. Italy surprises everyone by punching Austria.

Australia punches Turkey, and gets punched back. There are no hard feelings because Britain made Australia do it. France gets thrown through a plate glass window, but gets back up and carries on fighting. Russia gets thrown through another one, gets knocked out, suffers brain damage, and wakes up with a complete personality change. Italy throws a punch at Austria and misses, but Austria falls over anyway.

Italy raises both fists in the air and runs round the room chanting. America waits till Germany is about to fall over from sustained punching from Britain and France, then walks over and smashes it with a barstool, then pretends it won the fight all by itself. By now all the chairs are broken and the big mirror over the bar is shattered. Britain, France and America agree that Germany threw the first punch, so the whole thing is Germany’s fault. While Germany is still unconscious, they go through its pockets, steal its wallet, and buy drinks for all their friends.



Google “the streets” literally the most english sounding band in existence.