VKB Throttle ... wow

Did anyone else see the VKB Throttle announcement? ED Forum post: here and the VKB Forum post: here. Also quoted below:

We VKB team take our pride in creating a fully dimensional world of modern virtual combat aviation control devices rather than a common “model range”.

TECS (Twin Engine Control System) is a completely new throttle control device made for today’s and future jet warbirds.
This unique state of art device is already out of “development” phase, and is currently entering “preparation for serial production”.

It would be wrong to say that TECS “worthily follows the line of VKB engineering tradition” that we have carefully maintained for 14 years. No, it takes this tradition farther and further.

The design as usually is based on modular principle with data streaming between the blocks via VKB proprietary digital interface.
Structurally, the system is built around the basic throttle control unit (the base). It can be expanded by additional panels connected to its front (with special braces) and to its rear (directly). These panels are also modular and allow users to configure the entire system according to their personal preferences.

Inside the slider grips, the base, and the panels we put bus controllers that collect the data from control elements and pass it to the main processing unit that is hidden in the throttle control base.
There are two ways the TECS can be connected to the computer: directly via USB, and via bus – by passing the data through the BlackBox. This way, it becomes possible to combine all control systems (the control grip + throttle control + pedals + extension panels) in one uncompromisingly rigid and integral piloting complex.

The TECS’s main control sliders’ movement is physically made linear that surely adds to the realistic feeling and allows for the user’s greater immersion. Frictions that load this movement can be adjusted individually.

VKB engineers managed to design a unique stop mechanism that never before had been implemented in the gaming world. Now, like on a real plane, there are stops that demand additional effort on passing certain points of the movement range at Idle, Afterburner, and Afterburner max.

Same as on a real plane, both slider grips are equipped with individual stops. If desired, these stops can be deactivated, and the sliders will travel without additional effort along its entire range.

The grips’ shape, similar to MCG, is as close as possible to the real fighters’ controls. We only very slightly altered it to optimize its use in simulated environment.

Structural parts of the TECS’s mechanism are all metal. Full slider travel – 110 mm.
Our own contactless magnetic sensors are used for extra precision.

We see no point in overloading the surface with as many control knobs and switches as possible – it would likely make flying less handy and controlling the plane would become trickier.

Instead, we focused on making the design and ergonomics of the TECS “VR ready”. Every element can be easily found and identified by grope.

A complete complex made of Gunfighter base, MCG grip, TECS, T-Rudder Pedals (or Twist), and Extension Panels is the best possible cockpit set that offers the user exceptional control over the plane, unparalleled immersion, and allows to take pilotage to a much higher level.

The rendered image shows the pre-production version of the TECS. We will work together with the DCS experts to finalize the panels’ layout, and confirm the text of the prints. If you read Russian, you might like studying these prints now: there might be something you wouldn’t expect to see.

Desktop version will be the first to see the world, and cockpit version will follow. Stay tuned for announcements.

We estimate the price range for the main TECS base somewhere about US$ 200, and the extension panels – about 40 galactic credits.
Now, the question is WHEN?! – stay tuned!

Yours as always,
Global VKB Team


I like the idea of a modular approach.
Not too wild about the sliding throttles though…
Don’t know why, but I prefer pivoting throttles.


the balalaika and soshkas all have sliding throttles. it makes sense for a russian company to build sliding throttles.

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Right! Of course.
Well, still not my thing. But then again, it’s been over 15 years since I last tried a sliding throttle. The CH one… Guess it’s not fair to let that experience cloud my judgement. :slight_smile:


This looks neat. I guess we have some healthy competition on the boutique throttle controller market.

Looking forward to the release.

I think the only thing that will keep me from purchasing this iteration of the concept will be the lack of a TDC controller. I get it’s a flanker throttle and Ivan Ivanovich does that with his stick, but between the Harrier, F-15, A-10, F-5, and approaching F/A-18, that’s muscle memory I’m not about to relearn.

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Oh…come on, but doesn’t every sentence with regards to the Harrier end up with “I crash my Harrier”??


That’s exactly what I used it for! Taped it to the side of my office chair for LB2 :slight_smile:

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I’m with Troll, I much prefer a rotational throttle, even when I’m using it backwards as a collective. Love the gear and radio panels, though!

You guys are killing me. I love the humor in here. Last night I was finally able to CCIP some Snakeyes on to a target. Yay! I was feeling really confident when I suddenly smacked the ground hard. So, I get the whole Crash my Harrier thing. LOL

I have not used a slider throttle for many years - not since my CH Product throttle days. I would prefer a throttle with rotation but a slider would be an okay second choice. My biggest draw to the VKB Throttle is going to be the other features. But like @near_blind, if there is no TDC hat, it is going to be harder for me to make that purchase.

Here is an addition render of the front.

Not sure if that hat on the front is an axis hat or not but I would love to see that single button switch at the middle finger position replaced with one.


Isn’t the index finger more precise?

No sure. The index finger would sit over/above the hat switch on the front?


It’s feeling like a candy store now.

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TECS looks nice, but… do they plan some Lite version? :slight_smile:

And also, I cant see trackball on that thing :wink:

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I don’t need this. I don’t need this. I don’t need this. I don’t need this. I don’t need this. I don’t need this.



It looks like they made a nice detent system! The lifting mechanism on the TMHW is something i find pretty awkward or even obstructive at times.