VPForce Rhino FFB Review

Fellow Mudspikers (and especially @Troll),
I’ll keep this relatively short and sweet, but I want to provide a quick review of the VPForce Rhino FFB base. Bottom line up front, the Rhino base is a powerful, DirectX FFB capable base, compatible with existing Thrustmaster, Virpil, WinWing and VKB grips, and is the best off-the-shelf FFB base you can buy, in my opinion.

I already had a Brunner CLS-E but was unsatisfied with the level of force it was able to provide for extended durations. Additionally, I (at the time) was looking for native DirectX FFB capability. Brunner has since added that, although I have not been able to get it to work correctly without a third-party, Arduino based modification. However, I always felt that the stick was a bit too weak, especially while using a 10" extension. I have time in a variety of aircraft, and the Brunner did not provide the level of immersion and suspension of reality that I desired.

I got on the Rhino base waiting list last August and my number came up for order about three weeks ago. I ordered the pre-built, ready to go base, with a VKB adapter included. It’s big, slightly bigger than the Brunner base, and I had to raise the base on a small stand from the floor to get it the right height. It is too big to mount on an arm extending from under my seat (not that you can’t, it just didn’t work in my case). I’m currently using a VKB MCG Pro on their long, bent extension.

Simply put, the Rhino is great. The firmware update popped up when I plugged it in, I downloaded the configuration software and was off to the races. DirectX capability works without a hitch in DCS and Il-2 GB. There are lots of configuration options that can overlap with the in game effects, and the base has a physical dial to control the force strength on the fly, along with an emergency shut off switch.

The base is extremely powerful. It has more than enough force to maintain a Thrustmaster Warthog or Hornet grip on an extension trimmed at maximum deflection. Stall buffet, aerodynamic forces and control loading feel appropriate and realistic (and you can dial them in on the fly based on platform if need be).

The base as a very large range of motion, which might be one of its negatives. With a 10" extension and the MCG Pro on top, it has almost too much throw within my simpit. The software features programable force limiting for each axis, but with the 10" extension, moderate force “breaks” through the limit, forcing the stick into a recovery mode (very similar to the CLS-E when it hits a temperature limit). I believe VPForce offers physical range limiting hardware, but I haven’t explored this yet. The base is also pretty big and needs to be mounted to something (in my opinion). It sits a few inches farther forward of my seat than I would prefer.

I’ve only had the base up and running about a week now and am still getting used to it, but I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to the Brunner. I had a stock Microsoft Sidewinder FFB 2 and I eventually modded it into a home built base with an extension, so along with the CLS-E, I’ve had some experience with different FFB options. The Rhino is the best of the bunch and worth the price for a serious simulator enthusiast. If the only platforms you fly are modern FBW jets, it might not be worth it, but if you’re in to helicopters, warbirds and early jets up the F-14, I think FFB is a must have and second only to VR. The purchase process was straightforward and email communication with the designer was easy.

@Troll, I think you’re going to be happy with those motors and the VPForce software. Looking forward to seeing your eventual creation!


Thanks for writing that!
Could you elaborate on the FFB effects, perhaps? I’m mostly curious about AoA/Stall buffet effects and airspeed control stiffness.

Walmis posted a parametrically adjustable throw limiter in his Discord channel, under knowledge-base.

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Tried to look it up, but the only way to find out anything is Discord?

For me, not necessarily a bad thing. If the Brunner is anything to go by I can’t afford it & I’d rather not know :wink:


Can’t say I think it makes for good marketing. You Google a product to find out about something and try to find a price, it gives you a web address for the product itself and when you get there it says “connect via Discord”.

For me I would wait until I had something to put on the website before publishing it - even basic info. This has just lost my interest. If it’s gonna be done, do it properly or sell it to someone else, thanks :wink:

I used to have a G940 and I kept it for a long time - even long after I’d bought a Warthog. It was awesome imho - but unfortunately it caused a number of issues with DCS rotaries. I’d been flying around the issues for a long time without realising they were down to the FFB - mostly trim and recoveries. I was only thinking last night about how great a decent FFB stick would be, but I’m happy enough with my T50 FFBless.
I also remember how chuffed the guy was that I sold it to on Gumtree. He bought it for Elite Dangerous.


Maybe, maybe not? If I hadn’t read about it here I would probably think scam.

Now, they really have my interest but I’m thinking that it might be a quality product with a limited production run and I’m guessing that much like a Ferrari… they don’t need to advertise and if I have to ask how much then I can’t afford it :slight_smile:

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VP Force is a one man show. He couldn’t handle much more attention and orders even if he had better marketing :wink:
Maybe he will expand his business one day, who knows?
Walmis, the owner and designer, seems like a really nice guy, with a great product.
My motors are on their way in the mail.
I’m going to DIY a FFB stick, using VP Force motors, electronics and software.

But no, I don’t like Discord either… :wink:


Well as I said, if he has a website he should put something on it other than sending the visitor to Discord.

It’s not difficult these days - you can knock up a nice Google website (and they are free) in a few minutes with some pictures and a paragraph or two.

When someone says they don’t have time for something that takes just minutes and it’s something they want to sell, then like I said, I’m not interested and sorry, but if you don’t care what the price of a product is, then there is something very wrong.

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There is a website, where you can download the software and find a link to the discord server, where, in turn, you can find all the info needed to order. There is even a FAQ.


I don’t understand your reasoning here.
We’re talking about an enthusiast who get enough orders via the grapevines and his priority is fulfilling the orders he’s got. I totally support prioritizing existing customers over finding new ones. As I said, he couldn’t sell units any faster because of production capacity anyway.

And who’s not caring about the price…?

If you’re not interested, that’s fine by me and everybody else. That’s your business.

But in my experience, the best equipment is made by enthusiasts. They rarely have a website or even a paypal account :slight_smile:
I bought my BRD-N stick from a Russian in Sochi, by finding him on a forum and communicating via google translate and paying via Western Union.
Best joystick ever! This guy is working for Virpil today.
I’ve bought two rudder pedals from Slaw Device, in much the same way. Fantastic products!

They don’t have a production line with a warehouse full of stock. It’s all on demand production. Made by flightsimmers, for flightsimmers.


Thank you for sharing your impressions. It seems like the Rhino is gaining some traction thanks to the good feedback it’s been getting.

I have a couple of questions:

  • Can the base be used in non-FFB mode? Is there a way to program it to return to centre like a regular gimbal with springs and can it simulate the feeling of cams e.g. a centre bump. If so, how does it compare to the Gunfighter base?

  • I have a similar set up to you (MCG Ultimate on 200 mm curved extension). Would you mind measuring the throw distance at maximum deflection for both the pitch and yaw axes? I want to determine whether I would need the throw limiter.

DCS and Il-2 both model airspeed loads upon the control surfaces. On deck, the stick will be loose and generally fall forward under the weight of the elevators. As airspeed builds, the stick stiffens up until it’s held at the center, depending on trim. As airspeed increases, control forces build, providing a tactile airspeed reference outside the gauge. I feel this really improves immersion and adds another layer to the “feeling” of going fast. During maneuvers, if you start to get near max AoA, the stick will start to shudder until the stall, then the stick will go slack again, corresponding to low airspeed.

The VPForce software should let you control the amount of FFB effects felt from the game, but I have not experimented with this yet and have left it at 100%.

There are also gun firing effects, but I can’t speak to the realism as I’ve never fired wing mounted weapons in real life.


Maybe I have a high tolerance or risk acceptance in this regard. I own a set of Slaw pedals and was an early adopter of the Gametrix Jet Seat. Both purchases were a bit out of the ordinary compared to snagging something on Amazon, but worked out without any issues. In fact, I’ve been burned by low quality Amazon purchase far more often.


The base can absolutely be used in non-FFB mode. There is a slider in the control software where you can turn off the in-game FFB effects entirely. The software is very powerful and lets you program spring stiffness, center point and a variety of other parameters to really tune the feel. Its like having gunfighter base where you can adjust the cams and springs on the fly, and even design your own cam, all without opening up the base. You can then save various profiles, so you could have one for WWII aircraft and one for high performance jets. I’m still getting acquainted with the software, but so far I haven’t needed to adjust anything other than the general control stiffness.

I’ll try and get you the measurements next time I have a chance. I’m also in the process of 3D printing a set of the control limiters provided by Walmis on the Discord server.


Sooo, what does one of these bad boys cost? Just asking for a friend :rofl:.


Me neither. When it comes to force feedback flight controls for simulators, it is almost impossible to simulate how several different airplanes behave in real life. It will always be an approximation. But as you say, it adds a layer of immersion. And, by looking at the Discord channel, there are several users making and posting their FFB settings. Looks like you can have different settings depending on the DCS module, for instance.

I think I know this guy too… :wink:
The Rhino costs €800 plus shipping which is stipulated at €80-100 to the US.
Have a look at the VP Force Discord server in the FAQ channel. Average waiting time is 155 days. Production rate is picking up, but so does the orders…


I have absolutely no idea how it happened, but I somehow got myself signed up for one… :upside_down_face:
According to the Discord, lead time is now 12+ months. Guess it gives me some time, to figure out which bodyparts to sell then.


That sounds amazing! I currently use a “one size fits all” cam configuration with my Gunfighter base. It’s not ideal, but I really can’t be bothered to change springs / cams between different aircraft. The ability to change these settings on the fly is huge benefit I never even anticipated.

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The price isn’t as bad as I thought it would be… :thinking:

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Beware. The Bad Influencer has a very deep chest of tools, with which to cast his power over a sim pilot.


I kinda just did a thing…. It’s gong to be a long 12 months !