If you bought the VR Lens Labs lenses and are disappointed with the fit, you might like to have a look at this frame - which a chap on the Oculus forum recommended:
I ordered mine a week ago - they arrived today and are up to the job - far more than the crappy Lens Labs frame - such as it is.
This is how it comes:
The card is okay, but my frame had dropped out of the gap and was a little mis-shapen, but no biggy.
Here, with lenses fitted, after careful removal from the Lens Labs ‘frame’:
The faceplate is then removed and the frame put in place (it’s loose at this point):
And then the faceplate - in my case a custom one from the same Lab shop - is carefully replaced:
1> the lens is held in place flush with the Rift lenses
2> it’s far more secure than the originals, though there is some very small amount of movement
3> Very easy to clean, without having to remove anything or worry about it dislodging the lenses