Just played some Raptor Valley - which is more a VR demo type game…I think I picked it up a few months ago for 80% off on a Steam sale, but couldn’t really use it because of the lack of touch controllers (I think). Anyway - just spending 15 minutes playing it was pretty fun (but it gets boring fairly quick)…but it is a great demonstrator of using the Touch as a flashlight…I was really amazed at how intuitive that is. Actually, the whole Touch thing is pretty damned impressive and fun. I haven’t bought any shooting games…but I can tell I’m going to enjoy them.
The sacrifices we do for our kids…
RoboRecall is it and free.
Apologies if this has been posted earlier…
I thought it was a great article, but it features some questionable sources…
Meanwhile, professional pilot and flightsim reviewer Chris ‘BeachAv8R’ Frismuth had this to say over at Mudspike.com
Here’s a list of the free ones you get from activating Touch. The Oculus store doesn’t make it super obvious (and some of them were just pre-order), but definitely check out Dead and Buried plus Medium - excellent touch titles.
Plus The Lab and Nvidia Fun House of course:
Editorial Aside: Also, unlike everything else in the forum we seem to be putting everything at all VR related in to this single solidatory topic. It’s kind of weird, not in a bad way (or sexy weird) but interesting anyway.
Search-wise (for the internet anonymous strangers that feast off our goodness ‘Hi Bob!’) it would be better if I had put the above in something like ‘VR Free Oculus Touch Games’ in a topic of its own or something. I’d actually do something about it and start splitting it into topics but my shoulder aches and I going out for a coffee now…
Just tried out The Golf Club VR this week.
For the first proper VR golf game it does a good job of putting you in the environment. There’s plenty of different courses to try, not sure on how many but there seem like a LOT. Multiplayer works fine although there’s a 3.5 second delay between a shot and the others seeing it.
Did a full round with a friend last night and it’s a lot of fun. The challenge of hitting a perfect drive or sinking that long putt is there and is more aligned with actually playing golf than playing golf game on console or PC.
Yeah…that is definitely some questionable sources.
Sounds good, thanks for the review. I’ll definitely be picking it up.
Fallout 4 - which I haven’t played yet - I might save it for VR though…!
Said Lead Designer:
“Pete, Fallout 4 VR is the most incredible thing you’ve ever seen in your life. You can’t even imagine what it’s like playing in VR and how realistic it looks with everywhere you turn your head. It’s gonna blow your mind. It’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen.”
Wonder if Fall Out 4 owners get the update for free, cant afford to drop another $60 for the same game w/ a UI update.
Well, if they put the work in on it…then they deserve the money. I mean, that IS the narrative that we support developers on right?
same game w/ a bit of UI and Renderer work… Re-Release
My naive assumption is that it must take some significant work to make it that VR good that they’d describe it that way. Could it be a cash grab? Sure. That’s what first day purchasers are for…
They could add VR as a DLC, I know I’d pay for it.
Cool VR tricks… and a vision of the future.
Hmm…so I bought The Grand Cayon VR Experience on the recent sale (it was $9.99 and is now $1.99). It is one of those showcase VR titles that is more a technology demonstrator and it is perfect for introducing new people to the VR feeling. It is definitely not worth $9.99 and I think the $1.99 price point is spot on. Basically it is just a day or night motorized kayaking trip through a virtual (CG) Grand Canyon. The water transparency effects are awesome…and I love anything with a flashlight. The boat is on rails though…you can only control your speed. There are points to stop along the way to feel some “Grand Canyon Experience” like a campsite and a scenic overlook. The one thing it did convince me of though - is that I could probably enjoy a VR fishing simulator that had similar graphics. There are fish swimming around, and you actually get a can of fish food to throw out and the fish come up and eat it. It would be kind of cool to have a fishing pole and maybe have a wide variety of fish and conditions.
Really. That commercial is awesome.