Is VR the future of sports broadcasts? I doubt it…but the technology is pretty darn cool…
Oh yeah, HalfLife 2, a real classic, looking forward to playing that one in VR!
Have you checked out Doom3 in VR ? It requires the BFG edition, but it works pretty well and with the hi-def pack, graphics are rather good too.
Mod can be found here: DOOM 3 VR: Fully Possesed
I’ll look into that…thanks for the link!
This is some cool tracking technology. Now we’ll really be able to get creative with our rude gestures in Arma…
I’m fighting the urge to buy the Rift. Without any concrete news on the next gen of VR for PC, I’m tired of missing out.
I’ll run a compatibility program tonight to ensure my rig is good enough, but I’m pretty sure it is. The only bottelneck may be the GPU. It’s only a 980.
The 980 will certainly get you started. I bought an “Oculus Ready” PC last year and it had a 980 in it.
Full disclosure: I did upgrade to a 1080 late last year, but overall the 980 was holding up quite well.
I would certainly recommend jumping on the current generation Rift, and as soon as you can. The longer you wait, the less time you will have to enjoy it before Gen 2 is on the horizon (at which point you will be tempted to wait some more). The Rift CV1 will give you an amazing experience.
Thanks. I’m leaning more…
I think my only other update will be for more USB ports? I’ve read the Rift needs several and I’ve already got several peripherals plugged in.
You will need a USB3 port for the headset and then at least a USB2 port for each sensor/camera. If you go with the Rift/Touch Controller combination then that means at least two sensors. For flight sims though, you really don’t need the Touch controllers. They are very neat though (and open up your system to other types of game). My Touch controllers mainly sit on the shelf though to be honest.
Oh, and the headset uses an HDMI port from your graphics card. That was a slight problem for me because my 980 only had a single HDMI port and I was using that for my monitor (which is a 32 inch 1080p TV). I got around that by purchasing a DisplayPort to HDMI cable for the TV so that the headset could run off the graphics card’s HDMI port.
I think you are going to be blown away by the Rift .
The back of my GPUs are nothing but Mini DPs, lol.
Spent $200+ on Adapters and finally found one that worked,
Thanks Paul. I’ll be looking into it this week. Maybe bite after next weeks TDY. Save my per diem $$
Looks like there is a Steam Oculus sale on…
i do recommend Off-Road Paradise - it’s a lot of fun:
I hate that guy!
I’d hate to be the guy living in the apartment under him…LOL
Has this been mentioned?
Looks interesting…
Google Earth VR now ported over to Oculus/Touch - a really nice experience:
or sans Steam:
PS Just a heads up, the default config is to allow a 2GB cache on your default C: ProgramData directory, so that’s where all your boot disk space went. This news article shows how to edit that:
Gonna try this when I get home…
Aaaand the award for the understatement of the month goes to…none other…thaaaaan @fearlessfrog!!!
Seriously, google earth in VR is so freakin’ awesome!
My own house! In 3D! With my daughters inflatable pool she used two summers ago!