VR News

This is cool. Using Leap Motion and Oculus Rift in X-Plane during Phenom 100 start up.

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I didn’t want to oversell it, as it was disappointing that the inflatable pool wasn’t there. :wink:

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I guess that’s with FlyInside? I think that has leapmotion support. I’m looking forward to the April release of FlyInside, as there are a whole bunch of planned fixes/updates for the X-Plane version (now it’s gone ‘gold’), plus I think Wand/Touch support as well (although juggling HOTAS / Touch seems a bit clumsy, but I’ll give it a go anyway to see - considering grabbing the mouse is needed anyway now, it might work).

That’s very cool!
Didn’t think Leap was that precise…

Only problem I see is that when using physical controllers, as we seeerious simmers do, they may be obstructing your hands, when you need to reach something in the virtual world.

That’s one advantage with wand type controllers…

Yes, what I’m imagining is a hybrid mode where you could use Touch for setting up the aircraft preflight and perhaps all the way to engine start, then switching to flight controllers and mouse, or whatever manipulative control works best.

I don’t see myself grabbing a touch controller after the merge :wink:

Just fly something like an Airbus with auto land…do the takeoff manual, then switch to Touch controllers, fly the rest of the flight on AP using all the AP controls, auto land, then put the Touch controllers away and taxi to the ramp. :laughing:


Or…might I suggest a dog. He can do the flying…you work the radios with your Touch…seems legit…


[quote=“Troll, post:340, topic:1457”]
Aaaand the award for the understatement of the month goes to…none other…thaaaaan @fearlessfrog!!!..Seriously, google earth in VR is so freakin’ awesome![/quote]

Wow - had my first go with Google Earth VR today. It was unbelievable. I mean…it is just insane. I could see the 3D depth of my pool, my car in my driveway. Went over to Charlotte airport and you can even see the 3D rendering of the nose of the aircraft poking out of the hangar. I have no idea how they do it…it almost looks like they use sonar imagery but I’m guessing it is some sort of radar data. Any-who…it is really, really, really awesome…


heh, the first thing I let my kids look at in VR was Google Earth. Afterwards my daughter sat on the couch looking almost in shell shock.

What’s wrong?
My eye’s hurt?
Your eye’s hurt? How do they hurt?
From all the ideas…

Apparently the whole thing just completely blew her mind so much so she didn’t even know how to express it :smiley:


My thought was that I would use this to teach my daughter geography! :slight_smile:

They use aerial photos combined with the street view LIDAR mesh they gathered (other than just the public height data out there). They are kicking themselves they didn’t gather streetview photography (from the cars) in stereoscopic, but are planning on redoing it starting later this year (it’s going to take a while to redo it all though). A lot of the dollar budgets actually come from the maps/drive self-drive cars stuff, so it’s nice we get VR freebies.

In Google Earth, if you look in settings (the : symbol, top right) then you can toggle on ‘Human Scale’ that lets you go down lower than 20 feet in the slant view.

Turn off labels, now ask her to go find The Pyramids in Giza - it’ll be like an interview process for an analyst at the CIA. :slight_smile:

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I’ve already used it to “re-climb” Mount Whitney, and stand on the top of Half Dome where I proposed to my wife. It would be a great tool for pre-briefing pilots for tough approaches to airports that have imposing terrain. Not hard to imagine slipping on the headset and having a program that flies you in VR through the whole procedure to demonstrate the hazards nearby. It really is incredible.


Just a rumor though:



Inside-out tracking is where there are cameras on the headset that allow it to know where it is pointing (sort of opposite of the Rift, where the sensors are the cameras and the headset has IR lights). The issues with inside out tracking so far has been you can’t use hand controllers easily (the head pointing 6DOF is one thing, the hands are hard). But that might make it a good fit for cockpit sims if the panels are nice. It’ll live or die based on its level of compatibility with Steam/OpenVR rather than the Win10 Holo stuff, is my guess.

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The future is bright!

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Was the reason my daughter was even allowed near the headset :joy: She was learning some geography in school, I was like, here do you want to see what it looks like…

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Is there a way to ensure that the Oculus program does NOT start at random? I’ve had times where I close the window, not intending to use the Rift, and then it opens or initiates on its own, crashing FSX or P3D. I’d love for there to be an ON/OFF switch…

I don’t think I have experienced Oculus to start at random. Only when the proximity sensor in the headset is triggered…
Does it start even if the headset is unplugged?

I never unplug it…so I’m not sure. But when I first turn on my computer, the Oculus Store/Home/Client launches, and when I close that window, it will stay closed for sometimes a half an hour, then randomly it will just pop back up again. Maybe because the sensors get a whiff of the Touch controllers or Rift…(?)… Maybe I need to buy falcon blinders for my sensors…

Check the bottom right icon tray after you close the window. Likely the app is still running and is requesting focus. You need to close the app entirely.

If that doesn’t do it, this is a bigger problem similar to what something like citrix receiver does - despite being exited, it’ll auto-request-focus when you’re full screen. It’s super duper annoying, and the only way I was able to fix that was some super googling which resulted in editing the registry. Of course, the next time I run the app, I have to fix it again (and of course I’ve lost the fix and need to do a super search again, so I’ve avoided that).

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