Wacht am Rhein

75 years ago ago on this date.



There goes two hours of my life. Someone linked to an interesting Wiki page…


Yeah, you and me…
Damn the hyperlinks to single battles, High ranking officers and specific special happenings.


And that’s why I donate to wiki everytime they ask. In terms of cost per hour of my life spent there, it’s been a heck of a value. Probably my second favorite leisure activity after simm’ing is going down the wiki hole.


Oh, that is a familiar name. Because, Wacht am Rhein is also the name of a Hotel/Restaurant at the Rhine in Wesel-Budberg. According to local legends Field Marshal Montgomery watched Operation Varsity from there, the largest airborne operation conducted in a single day in history. It’s along my extended bike commute with a good view of Wesel, a town that was essentially bombed out of existence in 1945. 97% of it was completely destroyed in allied bombing raids.

The aerial photographs of the destroyed town are absolutely chilling and apart from a few walls of the church there are no signs that this town existed prior to 1945. There are absolutely no historical buildings left…

My grandma used to tell stories where they were sitting in the bunkers 10km away across the Rhine and the ground was still shaking so bad the plaster came off the walls and ceiling every time the allies dropped their 10000lbs bombs.


This text will be hidden

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He posted it on December 16. which was the starting date of the battle. :slight_smile:

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That makes sense. Thank you. It just came up today as an unread post so I thought it was new. My bad, must read carefully before placing my foot in my mouth. Only just got the other December replies with your comment. Is mudspike like social media, you don’t get everything straight away?

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The Mudspike forum software is slowly working it’s way up to full sentience. This experiment’s gone haywire is why @fearlessfrog slunk off into the night, softly sniggering in his coat.

One of the symptoms of an emerging free will is a penchant for necromancy. By suggesting old, dead threads as new to you, it tries to trick you into raising the dead. It feeds. It grows.


So, Mudspike is the Matrix

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Discobot, is this true?
@discobot fortune


:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes


As long as it keeps its sense of humor.


I dunno… That bot looks dead serious to me…!

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What a thoroughly unbiased observation.

I’m sorry but I can’t stop laughing at this. I love the German language. It. Just. Works. So easy to pick up and remember. They have a directness that appeals to me. Russian as well.

Was eine unbedingte unvoreingenommen Observation. (Read with strong accents and rolling Rs). Nope, not working @sobek :stuck_out_tongue:

I once took a class in basic Russian on university. Learned to read ciryllic and such. One of the things I’ll never forget is that your pronunciation gets better the drunker you are pretend to be, the more authentically russian you sound.


You corrected that before I could tell you lol

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Hard to believe it has been a year.
76 years ago on this date the final German Offensive of WW2 in the West began.


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