War Thunder going modern

??? What is this “unlock” business? (I’ve never played WT).


There is a monumental amount of grinding in war thunder to unlock new high tier stuff.

Although i believe you can pay to skip it, if so inclined


that was horrible to watch.

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Why? I thought it was pretty cool. Maybe not heatblur cool, but fairly slick and nicely shot


Update changelog dropped
I’m just a casual player but I’m REALLY impressed

:eyes: AH-1 you say? I must have missed when they added that…

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I tried it years ago and couldn’t stomach the grind. But given my personal RUSSIAN boycott I have nothing the play in VR. Maybe the grind wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

Downloading now, i feel like i need a good grind game. Lol

We will see how well it pans out.

Is this a HOTAS or mouse type game?

I’ve done both. The FM feels kind of weird to me though, rubber bandy, if you take my meaning. So, felt that I had to lead my corrections a bit.

But I didn’t fiddle much with the controller setups, so maybe that’s on me.


Like @Deacon211 I’ve done both and got on better with Keyboard and mouse. The hotas made things feel very odd, like i always felt at a disadvantage.

Again, maybe just me


19 posts were split to a new topic: The russian boycott

I second this too- there’s a Simulator mode to play only with HOTAS but the best game mode is “realisitc”

Please for the love of god, skip Arcade
Realistic is the closest to an all-out war with the realism of Strike Fighters 2/ IL2 Battles games

I moved the boycott posts into another thread. Link is above.
I never meant to derail this thread so completely.


A post was merged into an existing topic: The russian boycott

btw funny story. few weeks ago I reinstalled WT in a hope that I will try it again after long time. that new content looks good and it appeared to me as approachable.

few days ago I uninstalled it as it was constantly asking for updates and as I realized I dont have that additional time to play MMO title.

maybe in a few months again…

if you guys have it and play it feel free to post some aar, there is always little bit of time for some good read :slight_smile:


I wish I could share some of what I do - but I’m unsure how…
Screenshot are not really engaging but I also don’t have the time to edit a video…

I do manage, now and then, some nice actions. ^-^
I’m absolutely in love with mid-late WWII Italian fighters- they do sport lacking engines* and the weapons are weak BUT if you play them right you can outmaneuver literally everything.

*Oh they also do overheat like there’s no tomorrow…

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Dunno why they call it a 4th gen update,
Pretty sure AV-8 and A-10 count as fourth gen.

And why did they model a Prototype F-14? and not at least a 55-GR?

And why do you ask here and not on Gaijin Forums? :joy:

those forums are re-donk-u-lous/