War Thunder going modern

Impressive sky gfx. Now if ED could implement that in DCS…

Right, I’d pay 60 bucks for that game with some sort of singleplayer experience and everything unlocked or unlockable by simple, short SP progression. The way that game works with it’s three currencies and painfully slow progression turned me off of it three times now.

I am all for a sim-lite game. I love me some Ace Combat even, and Strike Fighters 2 even better! But I can’t stand War Thunder. What a waste of a potentially good game.


I love the gameplay. The planes AND the tanks. Its just the endless, relentless, epic grandfest loop I hate above all else. It sucks you in at first. Let’s you think you are better than you are and rewards you highly for it. Then later on just slows down progression so much that its almost predatory. You can’t even stay in lower ranked battles as it matchmakes you with 1 or 2 tier above you and you just cannot hope to win. Especially with the tanks. Watching your rounds bounce off harmlessly from 10 feet away while the enemy can snipe you across the map at will is so depressing. It was heartbreaking watching my little boy lose interest in it. We started off so well.


Update incoming!
Yes, always me.

I just love to do one or two quick matches every now and then! :slight_smile:




Heheheh Accurate!

Me testing the update with every last setting maxed, including dlss:


I just played a few games and I’m very happy that the bluewater stuff is now seperated from the littoral stuff. As much as I like anything navy the speedboat machinegun duels never really did it for me. It was also very cool to torpedobomb a few of the ships, but the fact I was a lonely bomber looking for lonely destroyers made me wish they added player CV’s already that manage squadrons of AI pilots. Also, we need some bluewater maps now with mostly just ocean rather than the cover shooter it is now.

I got quite far. I mostly ignored the whole metagame of grinding and treated it like a sim. Trying to survive at all times in the first place and doing what I can instead of farming XP and coins. But what killed it for me was the ruination of late-war with early cold war models (typically with way less armor but way more penetration) and something called compression at high tiers. The power differences becomes quite large but they are still all pooled up in the same matchmaker. The default M1 abrams is matched together with (and against in arcade) the M1A2 where it can’t really hope to compete.


Guess what’s coming to War Thunder!

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Ka52s over Ukraine?

Sorry. That wasn’t cool

I prefer my hogmeat in DCS. Brrrrrrrrt!

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Founder/ CEO is Russian, and the company used to be based in Moscow, so there it is. :man_shrugging:t6:

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a double negative,

as far as the trailer is concerned, at least the A-10 didnt have afterburners.

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Even the first A-10A’s with an Escapac seat, had integrated parachutes.
I guess that pilot wanted extra security. :wink: He also had a vintage preferance for old survival gear in general… But kudos for walking around with his O2 mask on without passing out!

Sorry! Couldn’t resist. :yum:

The Warthog looks cool though! I wish the A model got bumped to the same level as the C, in DCS.

Been years since I last tried WT. It’s got VR support now. I should give it a try again.
Still multiplayer only?


seems like the pilot jumed out of some century fighter (or older) to make a ride on Warthog :slight_smile:

didnt play for some time, maybe will try it again also. its good survey sim imo. there were som SP campaigns available in the past but dont know if they pushed further with this aspect of the game.

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Yeah that pilot flight gear is all over the place… BUT… the trailer itself is glorious.
Unmistakable BRRRRRRRT!
I might even think about re-starting playing WT…

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“War Thunder going modern”
MAC is finally coming out? :joy:

Im trying man, Im begging ED every chance I get.


LOL! You’ll never guess what plane will be added next on War Thunder!


How many bazillion hours before you unlock that :joy::joy: