Well Done! A "pat on your back" thread!

i still cant believe they left that scene in, with all the tampering that lucas did… and Han shot first !!
Episode 4 GIF by Star Wars


Sliding doors rock. I’m going to be using those everywhere I can from now on :slight_smile: So much easier to install, and they take up only dead space. Rail system is kinda expensive compared to some rough iron hinges tho.


Don’t do it! Looks perfect as is. Don’t take the “rustic” out of it.


That’s what I said!


Is that why you mounted it with the frame outwards and the covering inwards?

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Yes, I wanted that ”barn door” look.


The tiles on the floor of my workshop was…flesh colored…!

To the first owners credit, this was once a library.
But in its new capacity as a workshop-boycave, that just won’t do, I’m afraid.

Bought some plastic garage floor tiles. Much better! :sunglasses:


Did your wife talk you out of full on diamond plate? :wink: :smiley:


She knew nothing of this… She’s actually visiting her parents this weekend. I sent her the before and after pics in a text, and got a “WHAT!?” in reply. I fear her return…


I just got home after completing a 3 week long initial course for the Challenger 604 in Tucson AZ. It has been about 7 years since I last flew a Challenger. It is amazing how much you forget…and also remember. The Challenger is definitely a more ‘hands on’ airplane than the Global. Next week I head up to Wilmington DE for a quick differences course which will have me all set to fly the Challenger 650 (pretty much just an avionics upgrade). :crazy_face:


Congratulations @PaulRix. Sounds like a great step forward. Have you changed companies or just type?
Hope it all goes well for you mate


Well, it is more of a sideways step I think. I’ll be working for the same company, but on a new account. The Challenger is a smaller airplane with a lot less automation. It also is a shorter range airplane compared to the Global and can’t fly as high (cruising in the mid 40’s has it’s advantages)…

On the flip side, the 650 has more advanced avionics with large LCD displays, synthetic vision etc. I will definitely miss flying the Global, but I am not complaining about ‘having’ to fly a Challenger again. Also, it looks like I will be the lead on the new account, which is something completely new for me.


Well im very pleased for you. It sounds like a great change and well deserved. Great work mate


Thanks Ace, it’s going to be a lot of work, but I’m looking forward to the challenge. :sunglasses:


Congratulations Paul!

It was another nice day for the wife and I to roll around looking for garage sales. We blew a whopping $15 on some cool stuff but we found the best stuff for free on the side of the road! :slight_smile: We’re constantly amazed at what people throw out. I have a coffee/wine bar now! :smiley:

The middle part of the top was MDF and was bubbled up due to moisture or something. I just grabbed a jigsaw and sawed the whole thing out. We can now inlay a nice piece of wood in there but for now I just threw a piece of glass on top. Still a work in progress but we love it as it fits in perfectly with our kitchen and takes stuff off our once cluttered countertops and cupboards.


Love the upcycling of the coffee bar there @Elby ! Saving the planet (and your wallet) one little item at a time. Nice way of solving the top plate. Glass is easier to clean as well, so pretty durable solution. Perhaps cut into the red-brown edging a bit to make the glass “fall in”?

In what may well be the last sunny day of the year, I done build another bit of fence.

Client specified “jazz”. The structure is hardwood, that’s going to outlast the client.

It’s a fairly straight fence built with used materials and some of the stuff I had lying around. The jazzy bits are the fact that I put in two bits of slate I took from the pile and integrated them in the fence at a 6-year olds’ eye level. The house is right along a busy school route and this way kids can draw or write on the thing, hopefully nice things. On top I repeated the “cloudy” pattern in order to let more light and air onto the yard. Without them it became a little too shaded.

The job ended up taking a little longer than anticipated, but that was because one of the guys didn’t show up. I did it almost all on my own. Made OK money on it.


Us Mudspikes are pretty crafty sumbitches aren’t we?! :wink:



They say that ‘a pat on the back is just recon for a knife’… but here goes.

I do a lot of volunteer work in the community, including as an active member of my local Rural Fire Service Brigade. A few weeks ago I received the National Emergency Medal for the role I played during the bushfires of 2019-20.


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