Well Done! A "pat on your back" thread!

Please don’t. I’m sure this new endeavour will result in some good stories for this thread and I want to see them posted with no restraint!


That’s right quick mate. That means you’ll be truly independent in a year or three if you play your cards right. Right on buddy!

I also concurr with the @Freak , do regale us with stories of life on the road and all the hapless Poles you get back on their way in the dead of night as all the weather gods hold a p!ssing contest on your head.


Sorry for my ignorance … are you a mobile lorry mechanic now @Victork2?

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Mainly car and van tyre replacement but ive included a breakdown service as well for any vehicle. Bit of everything.
To be fair though, I was a lorry mechanic looooooooong before i was a driver. in fact, laying on my back in the snow one winter underneath a low loader that had spun a half shaft out climbing a hill, I decided that the driver sat in the cab with a coffee had a better life than I did, so went driving instead


Sounds a bit like me sat in the tower watching other people go flying thinking to myself that I should be doing that…. Except I was in an air conditioned tower with copious amounts of coffee, getting paid to watch airplanes out the window. So yes, not like that at all really :wink: .


Nice! I love you guys! Calling in for service is like calling in the cavalry whenever I have a breakdown on the road. :slight_smile: Then I like to watch you guys work your magic while I sip on my coffee. :smiley:


We finally put the finishing touch to a project that we’ve been working since February. It’s been a long and rocky road, with corona, moving goalposts and serious fork-ups all conspiring to make a two month project take almost six.

A nice sliding door on rails was the finishing touch

The flat part of the roof was too shallow for tiles, so I managed to convince the client of a green roof. It’s a happy roof, in bloom:

Here are some earlier pix of the project:

These fook’n doors gave me a lot of grief. They’re awesome aren’t they? Well client didn’t like them. They weren’t perfectly aligned. I completely rebuilt one, but to no avail. I ended up buying steel frames and putting the planks on those. Ugly but effective.

Initially I estimated the project to take about 2 to 3 months and cost about 15 to 20K. If corona hadn’t happened to us and thrown off the schedule, not only the cost estime would have been spot on, but also the time estimate. I haven’t completed the tally yet, but I’m quite certain we’ll end up well below 20K, despite the upsale on the green roof.

It is done. It is the biggest, most beautiful project we ever done. Me and the boys are incredibly proud of it, but I’m also elated to be done with it. It became a drag, an albatross haunting my nights and keeping me worried. And now it’s done, client shook my hand on it. I feel so light now. And proud :smiley:


I absolutely love that!! What a stunning area.
The brick work on the floor is so well done.


Man, that is lovely as all fork!


Bertrand, the pavement guy, he’s an artist. In all senses of the words. He makes absolutely beautiful bits of pavement, and he loves doing it, but he can be a handful if you want to direct him in any way :wink: I love the guy, he’s my brother from another mother :hugs:

The floor inside the shed/patio thing is done by the Old Man. He showed he still got it. We had to make do with the stuff lying around for it, and he made a fine ol’ job of it. Of course after that, he was “in de lappenmand1” for a week or so. Ever since he got busted in the head by some psycho he can’t really stand physical labor very well at all. But he’s still hella good at it!

1: “in de lappenmand liggen” is a dutch expression meaning being down for the count, or knackered. Laid up needing R&R.


Our log store roof is also happy


Share a pic?

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As someone who really cannot/doesn’t do any real work with his hands I admire the work of those who can.

A few months ago those were just piles of bricks and stones and sand and wooden planks, and now they have been given shape, and have become a building, a door, and surface that will be there for many years.

There’s something magical about that.

Great work by you and your men, thanks for sharing!

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Here’s a couple more pix, I went there today to get paid and make some final pix. I should have removed the trash boxes the client put into their nice new patio.

I ended up “giving” the client about 1200euro’s, but that’s ok, I accounted for that in the asking price :wink:


As requsted


Lovely mate, beautiful work! Thats a happy roof indeed :smiley:

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Its your knowledge that made it work sir

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The door to the kitchen cupboard swings inwards and steals alot of space…
So I made a sliding door!

She who must be obeyed want another coat of white stain on it…


that is begging to have a motor slapped on it, and a motion sensor, and you have an instant star trek door
Arrive Season 3 GIF by Paramount+