Which HOTAS , Joystick

I’m sure this has been discussed but mostly everything I see has been a couple years old I wasn’t aware there could be anything better than thrustmeter, Long story need help wanting to upgrade to a stick that has twist axes want to keep the stick looking for a better base thanks in advance


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So I had the same question as you a while back, here’s the thread if you want to see some suggestions: Twist grip flight stick recommendations - Hardware & Tech Questions - Mudspike Forums

I ended up settling on the VKB Gladiator NXT EVO “Space Combat” Premium . The main complaint is the twist grip spring is fairly firm, and there’s no factory warrantied way to disable or swap it. If you go looking there are user mods to do that. Overall it’s a solid stick, I just wish the twist grip spring was about half as strong.


Welcome to MS Forum

My recomendations for a joystick is:
1 - Hall effect sensors
2 - Hall effect sensors
3 - Hall effect sensors
4 - Hall effect sensors
5 - Hall effect sensors
6 - to avoid future spikes and sensor readings drift idk if i already told: Hall effect sensors
7 - something thats in your budget and expectations to spend
8 - something that is the kind of aircraft you want more to flight/use (ww2/ww1 aircraft whatever works well, if you go to modern fighters is obligatory to have as more buttons better)

X-56, cheap, accurate, tough.


Welcome to Mudspike, @Infidel! :mudspike:

The thread @jenrick linked to has a lot of good suggestions.

In general, I like Virpil gear. They offer some stick grips with twist function, for their joystick bases.


I know Winwing offers a Z axis extension for their stick bases but I don’t use them as I have separate pedals.

Sorry I haven been on just so frustrated, I even went back to Win 10 and 11 a few times reinstalling everything. Still no joy…

Welcome to Mudspike @Infidel.
If your Avatar is any indication I am in the presence of another Jeff Dunham fan. :sunglasses:


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