X-Plane Flight Factor A320 Ultimate

On Flyinside FSX you actually can (with touch controllers or mouse) but so far Flyinside XP doesn’t work too well with the XP11 pop-up windows. They say they are working on it still but it’s enough to keep FSX installed for me just for the VR Airbus.

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The JAR A320 is pretty good. Its on par with aerosofts offering for FSX IMO. But this one could be the best offering yet. Flight factor doesnt dissappoint and the signature wing flex will look cool on the airbus.

As for the fly by wire I think they used qpac in the A350 so they mught do that again. But if they do their own plug in then the A350 will get better too.

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I flew both (737 and Airbus) and found them very similar in workload.

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Holy cow that is an awesome write up! And you’ve sold me on the purchase.

Would you be interested in me converting this to a main site article? It is fantastic!


My head officially vaporized. Well done CP. The MUDSPIKE membership continues to evolve into an invaluable resource. The length and breadth from ramp to yoke is truely amazing.


It’s posts like that @Sine_Nomine that make Mudspike all worthwhile - thank you.


Just… wow… that is one thorough review! :slight_smile: Super technical, yet accessible and interesting. I barely gloss over a lot of the stuff you covered in my quick guides… it’s refreshing to read about someone going in in much more depth.

This deserves to be on the front page of Mudspike!


Really interesting and valuable write up, thanks for the effort!


Correct small details make me giddy in flightsims, despite it not really being required… No idea why but your write up makes me want to get it! :smiley: Love it!


And it supports 55 kilos, according to Captain Joe…


You impressed @Chuck_Owl! I had forgotten how clean and beautiful that cockpit is. I last saw it 20 years ago and even then it way out-classed the brand-new-off-the-floor Max9. Looking forward to the in-depth paid piece on Mudspike!


I’m seriously thinking about getting this aircraft. The detail looks amazing, and i think I could probably fly it with my functioning left hand if I put both throttle and stick to my left side… it would take some juggling but probably do-able…

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Thanks for writing up your observations @Sine_Nomine. I’m close to taking the plunge with this one. I need to research the other available Airbus modules first though. Especially as the JAR A320 is heavily discounted right now.


First time ever on Mudspike, i made an account just to say your writing is amazing and please continue doing it!!!
Very nice community you guys make here!!


Welcome to Mudspike Szymans!

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Thanks! Im mostly interested in X-Plane stuff but ive been looking around a bit of everything, very interesting forums and good people. Definetly i’ll be around here often. Can’t wait for the third part of the review :yum:

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Ha…funny! You’ve said plenty of quality stuff. I just got home and am going to tuck into the second part of your impressions now that I’m able to sit still for ten minutes.

I think you hit the nail on the head there CP. The only other contender is the ToLiss A319 which is getting good reviews as well.

The problem is that most reviewers are going out of their way not to compare the two.

Honestly, I think you’d be way better off spending the extra scratch for the Flight Factor. I have the JAR A320, and while I can’t claim to have fully explored it, I’ve done enough reading to know that there are significant issues with it. The Flight Factor A320 seems to be really striving for near perfection. I haven’t bought it yet, but it is definitely going to happen…I just want to have a couple days to really savor it when I do.

I was flying the the JAR A320 last year (i’ve been out of home for months). And there were serious problems with the MCDU and AP behaviour. I dont consider myself expert on Airbus, but i had way more trouble with it than with the Aerosoft A320 that i was flying in FSX ( Also not a reference since i considere it as a half-study plane waay less complex tham the FF). That being said, i would add that if you want to enjoy the JAR 320 you HAVE TO buy the BSS soundpack wich is ~20$. For what im reading and because i personally prefer to study 200 pages but fly as real as possible and the fact that you need the BSS soundpack, i would buy the FF or wait a little for part 3 of this review hahahahaha :joy:

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