X-Plane question

The following link will probably help. Flight School - X-Plane.Org Forum

Not that I know of. However maybe finding a Virtual Airline might help in that regard.

YES!!! http://www.x-plane.org/

Org Store is payware, Be forewarned your wallet will cry. Also the files section is were all the downloads are. TONS and TONS of stuff.

Best thing I can tell you is adjust your roads in the rendering options.

Also If you need any hints on flight planning I can give you a few. Not sure what you are looking for in that area.

Also if you have the CPU/GPU you may want to try this site X-Plane 10 HD Mesh Scenery v3

Its freeware HD scenery.

Also I did an AAR in the 777 for X plane a while back, Not sure if it will help you but here is the link Flying the Boeing 777 In X-Plane---AAR

And as always any questions ask!