X-Plane Releases Thread [2022/2023]

the tubeliners are not my thing, but heres another big release for you bus drivers :slight_smile:

and btw its quite hazy to me as what was updated to XP12 and what wasnt.

seems like both E-Jets and ERJs are now compatible but cant say it for sure.


After watching this stream, it’s disappointing how many features are missing and/or are incorrect in this E-Jet release, considering a group of E-Jet pilots beta tested and after much hype… and price point of $75 USD. :neutral_face: It is an improvement over previous E-Jet releases, but for $75, I’m expecting a more polished, near Hot Start CL650 level release.


had time so watched like first 30mins of the vid.

I can say that I like honest reviews. but it is easy affair for a RL pilot.
on the other hand it is really hard job for ordinary reviewers to review complex planes like the tubeliners.

but back to the vid. X-Crafts devs watched it also and they did post a nice comment.

In short, they recognize the bugs and they promise they will further update the product.

here comes the tricky part. they sell it for full price right from the start and the future updates are promised to be for free.
hard to say if this is the best approach. or selling it with discount at the beginning and after some time and after few updates rise the price!?

wondering how are the devs from Wing42 doing!? no news from them after their last year release of Boeing 247 for MSFS which was priced really modestly.

and here comes the x-crafts comment :


Not a release but X-Trident has updated his Chinook for XP12 which means it now uses what was called the Experimental Flight Model back at XP11. Systems-wise, the switches move but most stuff works regardless of switch position so it’s no study model. But man! does it fly great. The sling loading implementation is also neat. It allows (unrealistically obviously) the use of the HSI to get perfectly centered over the load.


:smiley: :smiley:
Nice!!! A DCS Trainer


You shouldnt of deleted that @chaz. You made some great points there

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Islander from Nimbus updated to XP12

and guess what was subsequently released ? another Islander from Thranda :slight_smile: at least its 2A (cant really tell the difference between 2A and 2B)

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plus there is a Memorial Day sale on XP org store

Thanks for that.

The X-Hangar Skyvan and Caribou caught my eye (mainly because I have jumped out of both of them). But! I already have too many aircraft, across too many sims to fly… Not that I can’t afford them, but are they worth it?

regarding X-Hangar, you will get what you see literally.

I mean there is no underlying layer of any complexity to these aircrafts ( advanced flight model, systems, etc. ) and the price point reflects that.

but that could be good thing for someone looking for some easily approachable fun planes.

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Thanks mate.

I’ll get the Caribou, I have such a soft spot for that aircraft.

on my wish list are these

and tempted to try this utility finally, which promises to make the default planes exceptional …

… exceptional system wise, but for advanced flight modeling there is another utility …

… and iirc these utils are not compatible :upside_down_face:

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think you will be satisfied with it.

I am just trying to convince myself that the modules I purchse have to be real as it gets.

but then I dont buy them that often cause they are expensive and dont fly them that often because they are complicated :smile:

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its great helo from great dev, but rather too big for my liking :slight_smile:

I have their 412 and thats just ‘my size’.

looking forward to their AW109 though

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Me too. That’s the only turbine helicopter I’ve ever had the honor to fly. What a dream that was!

Agreed on the Chinook. It’s not fun in the way a smaller helicopter is fun. But just think how significant that machine has been over its 60 year production run. The F-15 gets the chicks. But the Chinook has always done the real work. X-Trident had done an admirable job getting the forward and aft disks to respond plausibly to input, both automatically and in manual. I’m not talking about normal cyclic input. But how the two disks trim relative to one another in various phases of flight. I can only imagine how hard that must have been to get right. Also, even though it is easy to fly, there is a real challenge in flying it well. Just lifting off and settling down without rolling are both a bit of an effort at first. And as visually complex as the Chinook is, it doesn’t strain X-Plane. At JFK and everything set “high” (with orthos too), the world around the Chinook is smooth as butter. Compare that to Cowan’s much simpler MD500E, which does a hatchet job to my frames. This just highlights the value of taking one’s time to get the model right.

The attention to detail on the 109 is going to be another level though.

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fully agree here. their Bell206 has the same problem.

after your encouragement went to org store to check the sale price on that Chinnok but the sale was already gone. will have to wait for 4th of July sale I guess :slight_smile:

regarding the attention to detail. looking at the dev screens for 109, wondering if it isnt too much. like do we really need to cockpit panels to be replicated 100% ? same fonts and font size and all the other clutter ? the final effect is that it is unreadable on our tinny screens with tiny resolutions.

Active Sky XP 12 was released.

but there was imo absolutely strange decision from HiFi team.
initially they offered free upgrade from v11 to v12 for all open beta users.

after some time they changed their minds and published that only users of RC2 or higher will get free upgrade. no headsup email to users of open beta. plus they are locking any related posts from unhappy customers on their forums. shame.

so I lost access as I updated to released version. uninstall it is.


in a mood for another (updated) DC-3 ? :thinking:



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