X-Plane Releases Thread [2022/2023]

how about some ‘Read it, do it!’ ?

do anyone know about some good factual reading about these NF-104 attempts?


and how about this one?




did they make that tanker or is it available 3rd party?

new freeware helo


its out now!
( we are finishing the XMas flight, this one comes in handy :sunglasses: )

Special contribution:
During the air-refueling sequence in the simulation, an authentic SR-71 air-refueling radio recording is being initiated, adding immersion and excitement! The audio recording was implemented into the VSKYLABS ‘Test-Pilot’: SR-71-TB following Mr. BC Thomas approval. BC Thomas is the famous, high Time SR-71 Pilot who spent 1,217 hrs and 18 min in the cockpit of the legendary SR-71!

Dev notice:
Simulating the SR-71 is highly complicated. In the past year, hundreds of development hours and test flights (roughly 500-600 as for December 2023) have been invested, to establish a genuine, highly-accurate SR-71 simulation in X-Plane 12. Countless deep-study and research hours of the SR-71 aircraft have been invested (still are…) side by side with the development effort.

The VSKYLABS ‘Test-Pilot’: SR-71-TB is one of the leading VSKYLABS development efforts and it will keep on updating and evolving to cover the aircraft as closely as possible to the real-one.


seems theirs

Fuel system:

  • Air Refueling System: simulated, including tanker visualization and authentic SR-71 air-refueling radio recording (contributed by Mr. BC Thomas, high Time SR-71 Pilot with 1,217 hrs and 18 min).

I bought it. Nice but a bit of a disappointment. Purely an eye-candy disappointment as I think that the aerodynamics are very complex and much cleverness is hidden to all but the most knowledgeable user (not me). The panel lacks any depth or life. Maybe I don’t want Heatblur’s scratched up F14 cockpit but I do want some sense of texture. This is more of a “we built it for you to test it” sort of model where prettiness and art takes a back seat to flying. In case it isn’t clear there is no tankering. What passes as AR is just a necessary animation as you must top off before climbing up to altitude and achieving speed. This is a current XP12 limitation. Landing it is fast but surprisingly easy. It’s a nice ship but very much in the early beta stage of development. I’ve been very pleasantly surprised from the start with all of the VSKLABS models I’ve purchased but maybe not so much this one. It’s just too early in IMO.


Thank you! I was gonna buy that tonight!

agree, you basically summed all the ‘early release/early access’ VSL planes (at least those I own).

they all look better on pics than ingame. this goes for R44, R66, DC3, XF-19, Tecnam, … (those I own).

Its not freeware level of visual quality but we cant expect JustFlight or Heatblur here either. we are in different price range.

eg JF Hawk for XP11 will dig right down your wallet at 50 pieces of gold. where this new SR71 is at acceptable 37 pieces.

and as with all VSL offerings you are buying ‘live’ project, so you can expect regular updates.

anyway, who dont want to have the bird now and rather wait for another year? I am seriously considering it. I just know what to expect from VSL at this point.
and their birds all just handles lovely.

@Stormy801 you own the XF-19. so you have also clear picture what you will get from VSL. but this XF-19 was extremely cheap some moths ago, so no brainer for me.

not saying this SR71 is must have right now. maybe there will be some small discount during XMas, who knows.


there is also this one. conversion for default XP11 SR71 to XP12

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Vskylabs have some nice aircraft, but about texturing sometimes its a pure shame. Example is their flagship addon (the DC3) where many objects in cockpit not even have textures, it looks like pure boring flat plastic style cockpit parts with only a single color.

The C-47 is good enough visually for me. Immediately after my quick 700 mile flight in the SR-71, I flew the R66. @NEVO is right. All of their planes lack the cockpit “pop” that defines craftsmanship when compared to all of the later LR stock models for instance. Art just isn’t VSL’s thing. I’ve been such a fan that I mostly missed it. The SR-71 will be OK eventually. But if you are expecting to be challenged, look elsewhere. The systems are not yet rich enough to cause major screwups. You can just light the fire, go to 25000’, turn on the RF animation by flipping the switch, burn to 400 knots, climb to angels 30, accelerate to whatever mach makes you feel like king and climb to 70,000. Cool. Kinda fun. But a bit of a “done it once” thing to me. As jets go, the Citation X in its current deep state of modeling, is way more interesting.

Also, @NEVO linked the XP11 SR-71 converted above. That is essentially what this is, at least visually. VSL requested and received permission to use and improve on the original model.


I know that this [AR] is just visual for this VSL SR71 but limitation in what sense?

I thought there was the XTrident Tornado with simulated representation (not just visual) buddy Tornado tanker already in XP10/11.
this isnt possible to simulate in XP12?
dont own it so cant comment on the functionality.

I wish I have the time to test fly all these nice a juicy modules :slight_smile:


VSL said it was a limitation. “There’s no formation flying in XP12”, they said. The XP10 payware F104 had a second 104 you could call up just for formation practice. XP itself had a tanker. Why would LR remove that functionality?

I complained mildly over PM. Here’s his reply:

Hello Eric, and thank you for your feedback.

A few notes though:

VSKYLABS does its best to minimize any customers-expectations issues; the VSKYLABS ‘Test-Pilot’: SR-71-TB Product is being introduced with 100% transparency in the product page at the stores, and in all posts and announcements, accompanied with a detailed project history review, a variety of screenshots that shows exactly what the product provides in its given version, and a detailed explanation of its features.

The given version of this product is of an ‘Early Access’ version, a title which is presented.

The 3-d models (cockpits included) are PBR based, and designed for high-rendering settings in X-Plane 12. VSKYLABS aircraft main focus is aircraft performance and flight handling, and in realistic/authentic systems. In the case of the SR-71-TB: It is one of the most complex aircraft ever designed and built, and it covers a lot of systems and subsystems. Many of these will not be simulated (for example, pressure suit environmental conditioning, Astro-Inertial navigation system and more).

The systems that are in the focus are the ones that are related to aircraft operation in the light of flying a successful, authentic mission profiles. Many of these systems have matured during development to v1.0, and many are still under development (for example - the fuel system works automatically at the present, and it will include further manual functionality, similar to the authentic use in the SR-71).

In any case, and as part of customer-product transparency - the current product ‘scope’ is detailed in the product page, with specific attention to every simulated system, so there will be no surprises.

To conclude - the ‘Early Access’ designation is not an empty title, it means that the customer has an early access to a work-in-progress product, but still with a detailed description and screenshots of what the early access version include.

To note that the existing features count in the early access version is very highcompared to many “completed” aircraft-add ons. These are specified in the “project scope” at the product page and in the VSKYLABS support forum here at the .org. Over ~600 hours have been invested (already) in developing the ‘Project simulation scope’ list, and for SR-71 enthusiasts - it represents a professional flight simulation of the SR-71.

“There’s no complexity in what should be a fairly complex machine to get off the ground”:
Other than executing an enormous checklist items of systems check-ups , getting the real aircraft off the ground in fairly straight forward.

In a broader perspective; one of the major achievements in v1.0 (early access) is the flight dynamic model. This ‘component’ in the product is the ‘core of all cores’, as the product name implies: “SR-71-Test Bed”. In VSKYLABS perspective, engineering the flight model of such a complex aircraft (aerodynamically speaking) is the top priority. Future updates will bring more of the SR-71 control and performance nuances into the simulation (currently WIP).

I hope that this makes sense…

And again, thank you for your feedback.



thx for posting.

I tend to agree with Huss here.

I think the list of features is quite lengthy even in this v1.0.

wanted to ask you anyway, if you have/had any issues with the advertised features/to replicate advertised functinality.

its simulation in the end. And I agree that it can turn out quite ‘empty’ for user to replicate flight at FL700 and M3.0.
I mean there is no significant difference in sim between that and flight at FL100 and M0.3 :slight_smile:


My disappointment was in the very numerous “to-go, but not yet” features. Yes, Early access. But I am getting a little tired of the concept of “Early Access”. The VSL planes sold that way never achieve a “released” state. Now, in their defense, they do update their models for years. My old stuff keeps getting updated, including from XP11 to XP12 at no charge. However, I do agree with you that he is right, mostly. The plane is quite sophisticated. The cockpit is dull–not a scratch or hint of dust or any sign of what material makes up the panel or components. That may be the intent of the “test pilot” motif but it is a visual disappointment. OK, enough whining. Flying burner to FL700 is fun. As is bringing her back home on an efficient, well planned descent schedule (something I am still learning).

I did just do something I’ve not done in a sim before. I departed JFK just after sunset catching the sun again halfway to STL. The Blackbird makes the world a much smaller place!

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Yes, I understand it. I think I’ll wait. I wish I knew how to update the F-19!

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