I’ll just leave this here…
Still. Looks pretty lovely jubbly though.
I picked it up in a GOG sale (well, except for the most recent expansion) but haven’t tried it out yet. I had a couple hundred hours in X3, but just haven’t dove into this one yet.
I know this “technically” the X4 thread but I’ve fallen into a new Humble merchant game on X3 Albion Prelude.
I got the same endorphin hit I used to get when I got a big trade go through and now am carefully mapping systems and hoofing trading satellite out the airlock.
I’ve actually found a couple of things I had forgotten about in Argon space and I am having a great sedate time with it.
I can leave it spinning over in the background and bid for real work on my phone at the same time.
Twas a rather late night last night… got a job moving a pickup in real life and mapped nearly all of the Boron, Paranid and split core systems.
Grrrrr…didn’t want to fall back into it but I gotta admit I have missed it and it will pass my personal, non child attendance gameplay till the Hind comes out.
Hijacking the X4 thread.
X3 - Farnham’s legacy has been officially released. You need Albion prelude to install it as its kind of a Total Conversion mod with its own launcher so functions as a new game.
I feel like I’m home
Worth a try? It’s been a long time since I played Terran Conflict…
I’ve only just started it, but the premise and production is very very good for a free product. Its clearly a labour of love from major x3 fans.
You are part of a mission charting unknown gates and species when a malfunction sends you to an unknown system and breaks half your ship equipment. Others are trapped there and your job is to solve the mystery.
I’m totally on board with this. I played the X3 series so much, I have a built in system and universe map bored into my brain. So this is a fresh look at something I love immensely. I have been wanting to give X4 a second try as @tempusmurphy is making it sound awesome but this has just shunted that particular mission back a few steps.
I will update as I play this as this is kind of my own personal baby and apart from Arma 3, X3 is probably my most played game. So I’d like to update with screenshot and drum up some interesting stories about it. Bear with me and I’ll tell you for sure whether it’s worth the effort.
One thing I will say even at this early point is, you need Albion Prelude to install this mod from steam. Even if this mod turns out to be a let down, AP is a FANTASTIC game in its own right. So the cost of entry to get this mod is totally worth it. AP is probably my favourite X3 entry to date. Although TC is a very close 2nd.
Nice, thanks! I do have AP but I ran out of steam with it - my own fault, I kind of went my separate way and instead of playing the campaign, I trained an all-Boron boarding squad to take on capital ships.
It was hilarious and awesome…listening to the little squiddies squeal away whilst tearing through the corridors on their way to the bridge, slaughtering all in their path.
Boron marines start with the weakest stats in the whole universe so I got a very large number of recruits killed in various botched boarding attempts until eventually I ended up with a crack squid squad.
Edit: turns out I already told that story on this thread years ago. Sorry. I have evidently turned into a rambling old man repeating the same stories, lol.
Ok so I’ve played a few hours and got myself stuck on a mission I can’t finish with my starting ship.
I’m looking into possibly either starting again, which is annoying as it’s quite linear at the beginning or possibly just cracking a few eggs and seeing if I can make someone eject and nick their ship. I managed it briefly last night but I then flew into my own ship and both died. So I played AP for a little while to cheer myself up
I decided to give the old Albion prelude a go on the laptop. A bit clunky without a numpad and just keyboard and mouse, but I see how it pans out.
I’ve started out as Brant Kent, the nostalgic argon. I’ve got a Buster…so hey, it’s not the worst peashooter in the universe, only the second worst one! I started out by exploring a couple of sectors to get my bearings and to figure out how to get a few credits to my name - don’t get much with 1,000 credits around this place.
I found a few missiles lying around, presumably from previous conflicts, and upped my ship’s speed from 80-something to 125. Not bad! After that, I accepted a station defense mission in a well defended sector…a couple of Xenon fighters appeared and soon got swatted by the sector defense heavy fighters. More missile scraps for me to sell…don’t mind if I do! Now I have over 4,000 credits and a zippier ship. Not too shabby.
I got a mission to pick up some Cartography Chips from The Hole. That sector is a pita to navigate without decent sensors, so having someone actually give me coordinates to a station there is handy…mm, stardust peasoup. Makes me peckish for some cahoona steaks.
I explored a bit more around Elena’s Fortune and Farnham’s Legend. I got lucky - scored big stack of cloth rimes and another Firelance missile from a pirate freighter that had to make a dash for it after a scrap with the sector police. I went around a few stations to find a good barter or two - long story (involving trading cloth rimes to cahoona steaks and cahoona steaks for various other things) short, I managed to get enough coin to buy a Triplex Scanner that I luckily noticed was stocked at the military outpost I was selling the Firelance at. Look at that scanner range, baby! I’m down to 3,000 credits again, but who cares…I can now spot profit opportunities from miles away.
Oooh excellent!! I’m about 15 hours or so into a humble merchant run. Having a blast with it as well. Concurrently playing Farnhams legend as well which is fantastic. I’ve missed X3
Nice! I probably should have picked Humble Merchant, but on the other hand its quite nice to scrape a living together in the Buster, haha!
To be honest after starting with an advanced Kestral in FL, ALL the starting ships pale a touch in comparison. 485 (I think) MS. Beast.
Nice! I’m done for the night, good result scoring that scanner.
I’ll probably set up some early game boundaries for myself, no cheating by getting free ships unless I genuinely stumble upon one, no using third party maps until I’ve explored more myself and so on. Nothing too onerous but I’ll try to take my time in the early game a bit, enjoy trying to survive precarious situations in my silly little bucket of a ship and so on.
I wandered through a number of pirate controlled sectors, dodging some hostile Carracks and other bad people. Good to get those maps loaded, though - and the triplex scanner did a good job of letting me stay out of harms way.
The loop to the right and up from Split Fire to Farnham’s Legend is all pirate controlled.
I arrived to Atreus’ Clouds after that…a Boron border sector, with a substantial military presence to protect the squiddies. I spotted a small pirate 3-ship of an M5 and two M4’s and lurked out of their weapons range for a bit, trying to figure out what their game plan was. After a little while, another pirate 4-ship bleeped into the triplex scanner’s scope. Huh.
I scuttled to the safety of a Boron Orbital Weapons System and waited patiently for the fireworks…which begun soon enough. It wasn’t long before the platform started lobbing flail missiles at the outlaws. Excellent.
5 minutes later, it was all over…and of course I took over the role of hazardous waste disposal. Can’t have all those delicious, I mean dangerous, warheads lying about willy nilly. Someone could accidentally step on them and hurt themselves. Think of the children!
My best haul yet! I flew over to the nearby military outpost and offloaded the dangerous goods to the trading platform there, netting a good 77k credits in the process. I’m rich! Well, I’m not rich. But it’s not a bad start. I started out with 1k with no scanner, now I’ve got a 10k scanner and 80k on the bank account. Things are looking up! I even got my trade rank bumped up to Hawker in the process.
Great work! I love doing the pirate system runs from split fire across to Aladna Hill. You can drop into the Xenon system in there and really wind things up for a while for the pirates.
Also see if you can make it to Xenon sector 695 with a fleet still intact. Its wild in there. Take at least 2 or 3 M2 ships and just sit back and watch all hell break loose. When you Start losing and you probably will quite rapidly) run your ass off back to Argon space like Albion beta and watch the fireworks.
It is fair to say I’m some ways away from being able to afford M2s yet
I found a few more missiles and warheads and knocked off a station protection mission. I now have 120k credits and the selldown bumped me up to Vendor rank. Blasting the offending pirate M4 off the sky earned me the coveted “nuisance” combat rank too.
I need to make some decisions about the next steps. In previous games, I’ve always kept in good terms with everyone including pirates, but that does basically mean only fighting xenon until I’ve built up reputation…and that means not accepting many fighting missions. I’ll see how I go, I guess.
If I sell my Buster, I should be able to buy and mostly kit out a TS, I think. That could work quite well - install a jump engine on it, do some station missions and build up reputation and do a bit of energy cell hustling to the pirate sectors on the side to get in their good books, perhaps.
A little update (I guess I should start an X3:AP AAR thread, but given the relatively small thread, it’s probably okay here for now).
I had a bit of luck with more pirate loot, primarily at Atreus’ Clouds. There’s a reason why there’s a lot of pirate traffic there, but I’ll keep that detail shrouded in secrecy so as to not spoil anyone’s fun.
Anyway, I managed to get enough credits together for a jumpdrive and a cargo lifesupport system with 200k credits to spare. I then set out to explore Boron / Teladi space in my trusted Buster (usure why I’d trust that old rust bucket…but alas, she’s my only friend at this point).
I jumped from Teladi space back to The Hole to drop off an Argon chap at some factory or another, when I saw a freighter pilot advertising their ship for sale. Mercury Super Freighter with a 61% hull for 87k or so. Well, it’s a slow, lumbering beast…but at that price, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth.
I paid the money, watched the pilot get out, took ownership of the ship.
After congratulating myself on the purchase, I promptly picked up the previous owner (who was slowly floating across the sector towards the nearest station) onboard and threw him in the brig. Sorry buddy, it’s a tough racket out here in space and I’ve got some pirates I’m trying to get into good terms with…
Effectively I got an extra 2k rebate off the 87k purchase price by selling the former owner to the pirates as a slave. Bargain! Thanks for doing business.
Just don’t do what I used to do. Take the ship for repair and spend an absolute FORTUNE when all you need to do is sit on the Hull and repair it yourself with the torch. I felt ultra stupid when I realised that