A DIY Radar Controller

Which begs this next question…
Do you see anyone else making such high quality controllers in big numbers…?

I could not make the Slaw Device pedals, the BRD-N stick or the MFG pedals, and sell them at the prices they do. This I know.

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No, obviously not. But I’m convinced that it is not for a lack of skill or ingenuity but just for a lack of market size.

This is precisely why I have such tremendous respect for the guys I mentioned earlier. They’re not in it to get rich. They are flightsimmers, making controllers for themselves, and other flightsimmers.

No big corporations to cover their backs, financially.
Their risk is their own. They trust their product, their abilities and their customers.

Their products are worth every penny.


Finished v.2!

@komemiute is absolutely correct about the large SAAB badge being too big. But I think the small one suits it just fine!


Personally, I like the Griffin. But either way this con Troll-R rocks. I got the Slaw pedals… Here is my opinion. For the amount of time, research and actual work that he put into these pedals, never mind the high quality… I will gladly give him 500 dollars. If I tried to make pedals, I would end up with some ridiculous thing that looks like a 5 year old made it. I really like my pedals. My son can have them when he turns 30. He is 5 next month. :slight_smile:

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Me too! And had it been perhaps 25% smaller I would’ve stuck it there.

I do too, as you know. I got the F-16 pedals, and then I got the Vipers, because I wanted the cam brakes. Sold the first set for almost what I got them for…
They are of such high quality that you will have to use extreme force to break them. There is little or no wear. Every joint has a bearing. I guess, in time, one will need to replace some bearings. But as Slaw uses standard, off the shelf, bearings, that will be an easy fix.

I have made two pedal sets of my own, way back when there were no commercially available rudder pedals.
The first set was constructed from wood and used the electrics from a discarded joystick. The second was a simple affair, but made from aluminium. Oh the memories! :slight_smile:

That is impressive @Troll! Very impressive!


Possible locations for the SAAB badge.

And for reference, here’s the Griffin badge.
Even I think it’s a bit too much :wink:


Third photo. On the front.


Me too. +1


Yep, definitely the third one!

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Mmmmm… This is the third photo from the top, but it’s on the back of the base.
Clarification, please!

They are all wrong :slight_smile:

You have to ask yourself where a military bureaucracy would put it. Second picture from the top. That looks more ‘authentic’ :slight_smile:

That looks like the front to me… :dizzy_face:

I guess it depends on how you see things. It’s the back of the base, but the side facing the user. But that’s the one you meant, anyway?

Since it’s a sidestick, placed to the left of the pilot, it might be a better and more visible placement. But I kind of had my mind set on putting @komemiutes sign there…

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Exactly! Tell him off! Pffft. He’s not even italian. How can he *think * to tell you what’s best for you!


The NERVE of some people…!


I know right?
Now stop lollygagging and do what I say.

(J/k, of course)


Yeah it’s where I meant.

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I hired you. I can fire you…

Please don’t go all ‘upset macho italian’ on me now… :flushed: