Aerges' DCS: Mirage F1

It is the site (empty revetments) near Al Assad airbase. It has an interesting layout with 5 revetments in a circular arrangement, which matches neither a classic SA-2 or SA-3 layout. I think nowadays it is actually a Russian S-300 site for real.


If you have the M2KC, i dont know how you can resist. Landing this one is a challenge i love. Flying against MiGs and Kitties is a Hoot! Its so Bass Akwards and primitive, yet some features are surprisingly modern. Then there is that gear down Cowboy stance (albeit a French Cowboy) Cā€™mon!!!


Honestly, while I love the F1CE and would recommend it to anyone interested in the jet or wanting a cold-war era jet to fly, there are a few things Iā€™d caution you about if youā€™re on the fence.

The module is clearly in Early Access. There are a number of bugs and control binds missing that I find annoying, most notably not being able to use a manual frequency in SRS online and the radar ACM vertical scan mode having to be switched straight from boresight mode to work. These are all small things that will undoubtedly be fixed in time, but they are annoyances right now. And of course the cockpit is too dark and the instrument panel labels very small which makes it hard to enjoy the jet fully. Finally, the flight model and engine model, while probably accurate, are a steep learning curve - you get good at air starts and learn to keep your speed up in ACM.

That said, it is my favorite third-gen jet module (slim pickings I knowā€¦). I do recommend it, but donā€™t stretch the budget for it in the state itā€™s in now. It will for sure get better with a couple of patches.



I know everyone in 2D hates it, but in VR the radar hood is amazing. I actually canā€™t get enough of sticking my head in the hood to fly an intercept, focussing on the radar scope. Reminds me of reading Jack Broughtonā€™s book where he talks about flying the F-106 on intercept missions, and what I imagined that would be likeā€¦


I picked it up last night :sunglasses:. Having made just a couple of flights, I can already say that I like the feel of the jet. Part of the appeal is that in all the years I have been simming (38 years now :nerd_face:), I have never flown a Mirage F1. I like the look of the airplane too. Aesthetically it reminds me of several aircraftā€¦ obviously there is some Mirage III in there, but also the Jaguar (when the gear is down), and when sat on the ground,maybe a hint of the TSR2, to my eye at least.


:partying_face: :partying_face:
Knowing you, I knew you would love it!


AH! :star_struck: I will make a F1 livery mimicking the TSR2!

Edit: I know the F1 is much smaller butā€¦ who cares!


My british knees are wobbly here.


Now thereā€™s a good lad! :slight_smile: You can be my wingman any time!


Lolā€¦you had better write me a Chuckā€™s Guide to the F1 thenā€¦otherwise I wonā€™t have a clue about what Iā€™m doing. :rofl:


Yes, and a bunch of 'coveredbunker" (bunkers) based on my last few [partial] scans of the database; a lot of goodies for an Attack Pilot in this map.


Yes, that was cool. My sim-brain was, from sims past, ready to hit a key to get a full-screen view of it. Then I just thought, ā€œwell stick your head in there!ā€. Nice.


Once I get started, thereā€™s no stopping me. :slight_smile:


I must say I find this aircraft rather intuitive. There are not many sophisticated systems that require extensive reading (yet).

Itā€™s not trying to kill you like the MiG-21. Also, I didnā€™t need an airstart yet (roughly 15 hours in). I didnā€™t even stall in slow rolling scissors. You have to respect that she doesnā€™t like slow speed and/or high alpha maneuvers.

I really like the cockpit layout. The big AoA-Indexer next to the HUD makes it easy to fly within parameters.

The very first version of the flight model is pretty impressive. You can almost feel the inertia of the plane while at the same time you can sense how the wings struggle to generate lift. I really like how she behaves. She will talk to you und give you lots of feedback. The F1 might be in my Top 5 modules regarding ā€œfeeling of flightā€ (coming from a pure virtual pilot).

Sure there are some annoying bugs, but nothing game breaking.


I might be just showing my age here, but does anyone remember Birds of Prey on the old MS DOS? The Mirage F1 was in thatā€¦ and Iā€™m struggling to think of any other games that featured it as a flyable plane!

I did spend most of my time in that game in the Harrier though :innocent:


I wish I could say I own a boxed version but I donā€™tā€¦ yet.

I have a playable version though.


Yes, I do. I recall the flight model being pretty good too, for the time.

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That probably explains why Iā€™m always flying it :crazy_face:

First flight from cold and darkā€¦ :sunglasses:


This sounds like the beginning of a racist joke, but its not.

Ive just noticed that french jets always look amazing with the landing gear down for some reason