The aviation series “Angels Wings” was inspired by the famous aviation series “Buck Danny”, who startet in January 1947 and is still going strong (visit: Buck Danny. Cartoon hero! ).
At first just one trilogy was intended, like Hugault’s previous projects. But because off very successful, a 2nd trilogy (cycle 2) was introduced. And the fans wanted even more, so Angela McCloud will, like Buck Danny, take part in the Korean War too. Buck Danny’s adventures during WW-II (6 volumes) and during the Korean War (5 volumes) were (and are still) bestsellers also.
Below: Brussels 2016. Meanwhile a historic scene: artist Romain Hugault (left) and scenarist Yann are on a relaxed way preparing a 2nd cycle of Angel Wings (on behalve of the fans and their publisher):
But today Romain Hugault has other plans, so the final cycle (#3) will be a diptych. Aviation series Angel Wings will then consist of 8 volumes.
As Lt. Angela McCloud is a fifinella, her job as a WASP pilot will finished in December 1944, when the WASP was disbanded. And as the Korean War was during the early 50s, the creative team (Yann and Hugault) saw an inconsistency coming. So during the 2nd cycle of Angel Wings, the readers learn that Angela McCloud is an OSS agent too. As a pilot and a OSS (today CIA) agent, she can take part in the Korean War.
After more than 6 years of Angel Wings, artist Romain Hugault this year took a break, but during Autumn 2021 we may look forward to Angel Wings volume 7!
The first preview from Angel Wings volume 7 (from 8):
© Romain Hugault, Nov. 2020
Probably this 3rd cycle will again show some great art, like:
A Lysander:
- concept: