Arma 3: Antistasi

I would…but I’m out the door shortly to Kai’s soccer game…


will be, but later after about 18.30 uk time

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About to jump in

just see this and … I have to do the dad taxi run … bloody typical

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Ready now if you are available

just had a quick search, unfortunately it doesn’t look like they will make antistasi for arma reforger

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Antistasi today?

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I hope to … but a bit of the taxi duty at about 6pm will be after that :grinning::grinning:

Works for me!

Have been thinking about that factory … but it may incur some collateral damage … :joy: what about taking a mortar … one to spot and one to let the bombs fly :grinning: could be a good force multiplier

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As long as there’s no civilians…

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Hopefully they will be in other parts of the factory :grinning:

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LOL the price of freedom, am I right?

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you know the phrase about making omlettes … some eggs just have to be broken :rofl:

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Or get blown to smithereens with mortar shells.

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i just quickly tried logging in to the server … and got a PBO failed message



Hey man, could it be possible to update the server?