BMS 4.33 teaser video (it's released!)

I’ll fly whatever’s fun. I have fun in Falcon BMS, I have fun in DCS World, I have fun in Rise of Flight, etc. etc.


this is not a competition, at least I dont feel it that way :wink:


BMS and DCS offer different experiences. I love DCS for hopping online a having some BVR and Close in dogfights against other people. Overall the flight in DCS “feels” better to me. BMS I love the immersion of feeling like you are part of a war. From the ATC to the mission planning, to dropping the payload its an experience DCS will have a hard time matching.

But ya DX 11 would make BMS amazing. Is that even possible to do with the age of the engine?

Do you think that stock Falcon4 ran on DX9?

Im going to go out on a limb and say DX wasnt even a requirement. And if it was it would have been DX5

DX11 is sooo 2008. It’s all DX12 now.

And who’s really using DX12 right now? DX11 will be around for quite a while, just as DX9 is still around.

Currently compiled with dx9.0b by the looks of it. Released for ‘Direct X 5.0 and up!’ though :smile:

DX12 has some nice things (although not all the new features match up perfectly for a flight sim style game), but the required mandatory move to Windows 10 would rustle some jimmies. Anyone with just that renderer would have to be pretty brave to lose some of their market at the moment.

LOL, how about no. :wink:

Cool video of an 18-ship package. Very cool with nice comms!


What voice comms is that? Sounds good!

It might be the default Falcon coms. He is defiantly using his in game comms switch.

did you hear that? F4 changed the license owner… thats what I heard

Really…? Got a link to that info?

You mean this:

so maybe its the ‘licensing’ issue not the ‘license owner’ issue… yes something more on the bmsforums

the problem is that the licensing of falcon 4 changed. the downloads aren’t up at the moment till the licensing issues are cleared.

For those without a login:

" An update on progress towards 4.33 availability

Hi Everyone:

First let me say that I don’t have definitive information for you all yet. However, I can tell you that discussions with the owner of Falcon 4.0 continue in what I’d cautiously label as a constructive direction. Caution mainly results from not being all the way complete in that discussion yet and hence not wanting to unduly set expectations. I know that many of you who are new to the community may be frustrated in not having immediate access. I know old timers may be exercised that we don’t have definitive information yet. I remain confident that the situation will be resolved within the apocryphal 3-4 Falcon weeks.

In the meanwhile, on behalf of the Benchmark Sims team, we appreciate continued support and patience of the community here.

Cheers, Mark."


So I’m confused - was 4.33 pulled due to a copyright infringement issue or is this working toward some sort of official collaboration between BMS and the copyright owner?

The ownership has changed. Apparently the new owners want all except historical references to Ataris ownership removed. With that they hope to be able to bring everything back but negotiations are supposedly still underway.