Civil Aviation Ministry of Information thread

Yeah, I know these guys are skilled demo pilots…and my brain says they are observing G-load limits and the maneuvers are designed such as to stay within those limits…but whoa…I just can’t help but cringe a bit as I imagine the flex in that wing and the spars and uh…no thanks. They can have that.


The Wayne Loop :slight_smile:
Lockheed’s Wayne Roberts On Looping The Hercules, Test Flying, And All Things C-130


Whenever I’ve seen transport aircraft doing stuff like this, I can imagine the chaos in the back.

Bits of mud, stones from boots, ammo casings and all sorts of debris flying about. “FOD Kills”… :rofl:

The display Chinook must be the cleanest helo in the RAF.


New Celera video.
I like it.


Very interesting but that dudes’ voice grated on my ears. Too bad. Well written presentation on a very interesting aircraft. Thanks for linking it bud!

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Excellent landing on I35W yesterday …

Close call…

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@HiFlyer, I moved the video here, to keep the discussion in one place.


Well there’s a first. A tribute to the Brasilia! Looks great. It reminds me a bit of Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises.

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Just saw this on YT.
Haven’t seen that before. On first glance it looks a bit insane but I guess it is reasonably safe if the conditions are right (such as no wind).

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Very cool. The most unsafe part of the whole affair was having so many vehicles participate. I think they were fine with just the towing truck and the plane… :rofl:

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Well, it’s easier to mount the floats at an airport with a runway, than to land a wheel equipped aicraft on the lake, and mount the floats there… :wink:


A landing on a moving trailer would be even more impressive…

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Wow. My grandad did this kind of stuff back in the 20-30’s. . Wish I could find it…think my mom the ‘journal’, such as it was; grandad and his barnstorming buddy wrote down and rough plan on making their show a little better. I recall from the notes something like, “…we’re going to have to beef up the truck suspension; it does ok when taking off but might not do so well when we land on it…”

Yup, he’d be in jail today. Back then it was for fun and adventure. And beer money I guess.


Saw this routine at PoF in 2016.

Kent Pietch performs his aerobatic routine at the Planes of Fame airshow 2016.


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Often seen float planes Piper Cubs land on wet grass for winter storeage at Cumbernauld

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Someone loves his job

@schurem…you know what the company needs.