Commanders Log ---- Star Date 3307/3308/3309/3310/3311(Elite Dangerous Exploration AAR)

In A Previous Life…

A new commander (changed from Xbox to PC) Actually this commander is older than my Xbox one.

I had to redo all my engineer progress and really get back into things again. Once i got the materials I needed to get my DBX back up to par, I decided to take a little journey and test it out.

Off We go in the Andromeda Wanderer

First up a nice water world

Up next an ELW and if you look closely off the left wing another ELW.

Thats a bright star

And some cool shots, including a neat ring planet

This little journey was about 45 jumps and netted me a cool 70 million. Right now Im in Ngalinn grinding Empire rank.

However I am planning my next journey which should be awesome! Stay tuned for more


Having made it to the rank of Baron in the Empire, I decided it was time to set off on some more explorations. My goal is Duke in the empire so I can get a sweet sweet ride. However I need money for that first.

So off we go on my first trip,

A couple of rocky worlds in close orbit

A couple of stars, a M and T if I remember correct.

4 jumps in an ELW

And finally my destination of my first trip, Antares

Decided to go for a look at the closest planet

And landed on the 1.8g surface and almost died!

Had to take a quick trip to Quince to repair some hull damage. Next up we are traveling to VV Cephei. Fly safe Commanders!


Off to VV Cephei we go

Couple of close stars

Another ELW!!!

Fuel scooping!

And finally VV Cephei

UP next 57 jumps to KY Cygni

Fly Safe Commanders!


Off to KY Cygni we go,

Another cool T and M Star combo, I really like these.

Dual M star I believe,

And finally Ky Cygni!

Uneventful trip as far as exploration goes, Had multiple 1 to 3 star systems with nothing else in them.

UP next 51 jumps to Mu Cephei

Fly Safe Commanders!


Hello commanders!

Back exploring again,

Here are some shots from somewhere in the galaxy lol!

I believe this is Mu Cephei.

Next up is VY Caniss Majoris, Which I believe is the largest star in game.

I love close star combos,

Sometimes you get some great sights while cruising around the galaxy

Another twin star system,

And parking here with 61 jumps left to get to VY Caniss Majoris

After getting to VY Caniss Majoris then its back to Achenar and hopefully I can get Elite in exploration and move to Jameson Memorial

Fly Safe Commanders!


Some interesting sights on the way to VY Caniss Majoris.

A Y star(i believe) with rings.

Three stars orbiting each other…

Fuel scooping

T star

VY Caniss Majoris

33 jumps to home…

And finally home!!!

Turned in some exploration data to the tune of 50 million, Already thinking about going back out into the dark for more exploration. But I might enjoy civilization for a bit and grind some Empire rank. Currently one rank away from Elite in exploration.

Fly Safe Commanders!


Dec 3310, Thargoid threat appears to be gone and I have made it back to the bubble. Toyed around with pledging to a Power play power, but ultimately decided to take up Exobiology with my exploration instead. Almost blew my ship up landing on a planet, well looking for some bacteria, Found out my DBX can bounce off the surface of a planet and only lose 66% of it Hull…Fun 16 jumps back to the bubble for repairs. Worth it as that planet gave me $8 million and the repairs cost $2k.

Good to be back! Headed back out into the void soon

Fly Safe Commanders!


Some more exploration and exobiology. The exobiology part is kind of fun, Driving around in the SRV trying to find stuff. The first footfall bonus makes it worth it. I think Im sitting on $250 mil just from Exobiology alone this run.

But for whatever reason every system I jumped to has been discovered. Kind of odd since we have only discovered like .001 of the galaxy. Oh well plotting a 13 jump course to see if I can get into some undiscovered systems.

Some random shots from tonight


Finishing off this run, Decided to come back into the bubble and reattack in a different direction. Not sure which way yet, but there is definitely money to be had in exploring and exobiology. Might actually pick up a Type 8 and a Krait Phantom while I’m in the bubble, Maybe even a laser mining phyton.

Some randoms

Earth world with the sun behind it.

Maybe the last flight of my DBX.

More to come soon!

Fly safe Commanders!!


Did some shopping around the bubble, Which also had me grinding mats for FSD engineering. Still got 2 more ships to buy, A laser mining Phyton and a Krait Phantom. The build for my phantom is only available on power play strong holds and Jameson Memorial. So the Krait might have to wait a bit.

As I alluded to above my DBX has seen its last exploration jump. Its a good ship but it was time to upgrade.

I give you Orion’s Tranquility, A Mandalay with a 63.7 LY jump range.

Also this 6A fuel scoop is amazing! I went from a 4A scoop in my DBX scooping 333 /s at about 65% heat to this below…

Also picked up a freighter, I give you Luna’s Opportunity, A Type 8 with a 39.7 LY and 352T of cargo space. Also The advanced docking computer is amazing!!!

The Type 8 is slow but the Mandalay is smooth and fast.

UP next, Ill get my mining Phyton and then jump out into the black for more exploration!

Till next time! Fly Safe Commanders! o7


Nice extension to your fleet.

I keep the DBX around as a bubble bus. It’s nimble and small and allround a fun ship. But then again I hardly ever sell any of my ships…

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The only ship I have got rid of was my sidewinder, but can you really get rid of it?

Added 2 more ships to my fleet.

Attara’s Endeavor, A Laser mining Phyton. 192T cargo capacity with 3 mining lasers and 2 pulse lasers just in case…

And Odin’s Reaper, A Krait Phantom for mission running and bounty hunting.

And a few random shots

Up next I think I’m going to grind some empire rank and maybe start the Fed rank grind. Might also grind some on foot missions too.

Also got to grind up some Engineering mats for 2 FSD modifications and then get some G5 Shield Gen mods.

And I also have a 2K ly expedition planned to break in the Mandalay.

Flay Safe Commanders o7

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I think one of the powers gives a 30% bonus to exobiology data turned in within their systems (but don’t quote me, I might be wrong).

Also, welcome back o7

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I think one does, but i like being able to jump sysyem to system and not worry about politics. Although that Prasmatic sheild gen does look tempting.

Been grinding Empire rank, Up to Marques now. Almost at Duke, which unlocks the big boy.

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lol. I have been sitting at Federation Petty Officer for years… And even that was ‘accidental’.

I was in Fed space and just saw the $$$ for the mission and accepted it before I realised exactly what it was.


Made it to the rank of Duke, Which unlocks the Cutter. Really dont see any reason to get the last two ranks right now.

Charted a course back to Achenar to celebrate and figure out what’s next.


Out into the black we go! I hate the jump out but enjoy it once I get there.

Found a system undiscovered with 2 planets with biology worth exploring. One had 3 different types and the other had 5. Spent time gathering that data. Then just started doing random jumps that pull be further and further away from the bubble, Currently parked on a world in the Ploea Eurl QO-P d6-2 system that has 7 biological signals.


Out exploring, More geological than biological today, but still fun. Had some beautiful shots.

The one with the ring world was a surprise, That planet had a twin and they orbited each other, I logged out for dinner and logged back into to see the ring world. Made finding geological stuff more fun.


Out in the black just jumping around

The one below is me taking off of a ringed world and that other ringed world is a water world.