DCS 2.9

Hmmm. I wonder… Might they be cooking up something for the humble old crow?


I honestly dont remember an announcement about a Su-25TM being added, but it’s there, maybe I’ve overlooked it for years.


Ahaha holy sheet they made the bug easy to land now! I just did a four for four in a quick after dinner series of cats 'n traps. Engine response and AoA trim makes it so easy!


Amazing isn’t it? The amount of OK wire #3 landings I managed this weekend is insane :ok_hand:


Has anyone experienced more crashes since the merge/ update? I’ve had no crashes after the last 2-3 updates but since the merge I’m crashing a couple times a session now.

Yup, I’ve had a few. Crashing with my Reverb G2, and when I fly the Gazelle.

The bug definitely feels more alive now. I keep cocking up my groove turn by needing 45deg of bank even from 1.2nm abeam but that may be the 15kt winds pushing me around :joy:

Have you noticed any funkiness with the ball? I’ve been getting 3-wires both with a low ball all the way down, and with a high ball all the way down.


I’ve have had a crash with the Gaz, the Viper and the Strike Eagle… :thinking:

Damn! Hope theres a patch to the patch soon.
Ive been flying a lot of MSFS this year. Its made me want things for DCS.
The main feature i would like to see is VR switch. In MSFS I set up the mission and everything in 2D. Only after the mission begins do i switch to VR with Ctrl+ Tab. I then put on my headset, hit center and im fresh to start.
MSFS also has weather/ Time of day on the fly, ect… i dont know if thats do-able, but VR switch would be cool.


Idk why but since I posted that I haven’t had any crashes lol


Your just too good! I hook the 3 about 40%. What I have noticed since the update is that I’ve been cheating. Without fully realizing it as a cheat, I have been flying about half a ball high and pushing into the wires. It’s worked great for years! Now that “technique” as often as not breaks one of the mains. IRL, I doubt the gear are that weak. But I appreciate the game for forcing me out of poor technique.


Welcome folks, I restart my channel and actualy has building some videos about DCS and learning to build better videos (feedback a lot).


2 posts were split to a new topic: PC upgrade for DCS

…or merge it with this one.


I’m looking forward to the new bomb 3D models/textures, but I hope for the “navy” version we get to choose between gray ablative and green ablative, and green LGB guidance kits instead of gray. For the time period most of our assets are, the bombs would have been green/gray mixed. 100% gray with gray guidance kits is a very modern thing that wouldn’t fit our Lot20 nor Tomcats.


New “news update”.


A little explanation about the incoming modern fuzes on progress by ED.

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there are two options for pre order … it looks like they are dividing up the map into
3 separate parts, so you can buy each part on its own for $29 each (after pre-order which is $23) or buy the whole map for $69 (after pre-order which is $48)


I grabbed it for $49. I’m not that cheap to just get 1/3 of it!


Awesome…nice to be offered the option