Edit: Had to switch to the Mustang because getting bounced by the whole Luftwaffe shortly after take off while still climbing with a heavy AG loadout at fairly low altitude is not fun
Edit: if you don’t mind just watch the high altitude engagement we had with a lonely Kurfürst in and out of contrails. It’s like high altitude chess. In the end we all went our separate ways without killing each other. In capable hands the Kurfürst is extremely dangerous at this altitude, simply due to its insane climb rate.
The only thing I’m really unhappy about is the 2nd voice actor’s delivery in places and that’s entirely my fault. Had I more patience, I’d have gone back and actually been a director and given him context he needed. But, I was just so done with Vegas 18 that I wanted to finish this video and be done with that turd of code for good.
I’m always fascinated where DCS and Ace Combat cross. I’ve played a few AC games and enjoyed the over the top game style, but the realism in DCS always makes it seem like a great cross over. I won’t lie I wish there was some massive bundles of AC skins that could be downloaded in one go cause downloading 1000s of individual skins stops me from diving head first in the the ace combat play lol